
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A handmade gift: fabric baskets

Sometime ago I found this fabulous tutorial for making fabric baskets so I decided to try my hand at it. If you have been reading Room Rx for a while you know I am self diagnosed with  "DIY-ADD," but this little project looked to be about my speed, only a few materials needed, fairly simple directions and something that seemingly could be finished in one sitting (I get antsy if it takes more than that). Armed with some adorable fabrics, I decided to make the baskets as a baby shower gift for my cousin Jesse (they will look amazing in her sweet baby girl's nursery).

Yes, I was pretty pleased with the results, so much so that I thought, "why stop there?" Jesse and I had discussed creating a gallery wall in the nursery using artwork and fabrics.  The left over fabrics framed in embroidery hoops are perfect and since Jesse is a girl who, like me adores doilies, I added a couple I picked up at a thrift store....

This baby gift was totally "me" and I am delighted to say, very much appreciated by my cousin.
I can't wait to see them in "sweet baby girl's" finished room.

With more cousin's babies on the way, I think I'll be making a few more of these fabrics baskets (but not until after the holidays!!!) I may even make a few for my office....

Have you ever created a handmade gift for an important occasion? I would love to hear your stories and see the fruits of your labor!

I am plugging away at my to do list, ever so slowy getting things checked off. Yesterday I thought I was finished wrapping gifts and then Fed Ex made a delivery.... Add to that the fact that my youngest just gave me his wish list... 'Tis the season!

I am linking this little project up to Suzy's party...
Saved by Suzy
and to Doin' it Yourself over at {aka}design

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design
If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx.


  1. Those area great! So cute! I've been wanting to make fabric boxes for awhile, but couldn't find a tutorial. I'll definitely be trying these after the holiday.

  2. Stylish, functional and personalized - the perfect gift, Cathy!

  3. I love these photos you Posted of my beautiful gift ... you're so talented!! I opened the packages so quickly and didnt take my time to look at them as a whole- so seeing them in the photos, all put together is SO fun!! Thank you for the MOST amazing handmade gift xoxo

  4. These are such a great idea, Cathy. THe baskets look perfect and the hoops is such a neat idea for the walls. Must make a note of these. THx for sharing.

  5. I love these and they are going to be so cute in the nursery. I actually have a few of these marked in my Etsy favorites, but now that you gave a tutorial link maybe I'll try that one of these days. I have a baby shower coming up in a few months for a good friend and will be making her something homemade - this will be a contender, especially since I know her fabrics. A great shower gift indeed!

  6. Hi all,

    Baskets have been used by generations of mothers needing a safe, portable place for their little ones to sleep away the afternoon. Creating a Moses basket for your child or as a unique gift takes only a few hours of time but leaves lasting memories. Thanks for sharing it.....

  7. So cool! I love that they can be personalized with whatever fabric you wish!

  8. What great projects and you chose beautiful fabrics Cathy! Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas!


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