
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Top Ten

In order to wrap up 2011, my first full year of blogging at Room Rx, I thought I would do like many other bloggers are doing this week and share my top 10 posts from the year. These are not the most viewed or most commented on, but my personal favorites, showcasing not only what has been meaningful and important to me but a few projects I am particularly proud of.

1) Long Distance Decorating - I wrote about the delightful process of helping my sister in law (CSIL) and brother in law re-do their master bathroom. I also shared a few tips on making the most of the process here at the House of Fifty blog.

2) Timeless Kitchen Peek  - A before and after look at the dining area of a kitchen project.


3) Stylishly Casual Reveal - A fun Living Room re-do for a hip client.

4) Craft Room Mecca Reveal - From cluttered office to creative oasis, this project inspired me to get moving on my own workspace.

5) I'm back and a little wedding fun - I helped my cousin Jesse with several of the details of her May wedding including creating fabric flowers for the wedding party.

6) Color of the Moment: Coral & Turquoise - I have enjoyed writing about and creating design boards for my weekly color series, and this is one of my favorite color combos.
Coral & Turquoise

7) A Collected Family Room - I love showing off the work of my talented friends....

8) Fresh Fabrics Friday: Zinnia by Galbraith & Paul- So many fabrics to showcase on Fresh Fabrics Friday, this is a fave....

9) Artist Profile: Therese Winnard - My CSIL - My CSIL gets discussed a lot here on Room Rx, in this post I share a bit about who she is and her many talents.

10) Mood Board Monday: Wallpaper Edition - I credit Mood Board Monday for helping me "put myself out there" in the blog world and my collaboration with Sarah at Pewter & Sage for this MBM was a highlight.
  breakfast nook

How about you?  As you look back on 2011 what is on your top 10 list?

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design
If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx. 


  1. What a nice collection of your design work, Cathy! When I saw the bathroom, I thought, 'This is my favorite!' But, I truly couldn't choose, they're all beautiful!

  2. The bathroom is one of my favorites too but they're all great! I adore your design board for MBM wallpaper - that is also one of my favorites. But they are really all great - a great year! Very excited about 2012!

  3. The bathroom is awesome - my favorite of the list! Have a great 2012!

  4. You've had quite the busy year! I love seeing all your projects. Isn't it fun to look back and see all you've accomplished??

  5. Wow Cathy, I think a lot of the projects you featured are from before I started following along. I love all of your designs from 2011, the bathroom knocked my socks off!

    Happy New Year.

  6. Great roundup Cathy! Being a newer reader, I hadn't seen all of these. So thanks for sharing. I love your use of color and pattern.

  7. how fun! i love your dining area, and i love that bathroom, too! all wonderful projects!

  8. Oh how I still love that bathroom! Great roundup of projects, I am going to go back and read a few more. Thank you so much for linking up with me. Happy New Year!

  9. You've had quite the busy year-I'm your newest follower-happy new year-can't wait to see what 2012 brings!! Stop by for a visit!!


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