
Monday, January 28, 2013

My girl went to Chile!

Well, Saturday was "D"(parture) Day, my daughter left for her semester in Chile and after about 36 hours of travel, 5 airports, 4 planes, 3 long layovers and very little sleep, she is safe and sound on Easter Island in the middle of the South Pacific. For the next several weeks she will stay with a host family exploring the island and it's culture, making new friends and increasing her fluency in Spanish. In early March, she heads back to Santiago to meet her host family there and start school (which is taught entirely in Spanish.) Life changing, big adventures for a high school junior!

I am so proud of her for following her dreams, even if it is difficult for her Mom and Dad to let go!

To give you an idea of how far away she is, Rapa Nui (Easter Island) is location pin "A" in the middle of the ocean on the map below, a five and one half hour flight from Santiago!!!! She will be staying in the town of Hanga Roa, in the south west corner of the island.

And yes, Easter Island is the place where you will find these... the Moai, which circle the island.

With a knack for photography, my daughter will be sharing her adventures with us through pictures. I will be sure to post a photo or two of her time in Chile and keep you all up to date on how she is doing. In the meantime, I am in the process of getting used to the new normal around here and sort through my mixed emotions; 5 months is such a long time and Chile is so far away, but this is the experience of a lifetime for this teenager and she will grow and learn so much....!


  1. wishing her all the best on her adventure!!! maybe she will send you some amazing chilean wine to help you relax. :)

  2. She is SO adorable!! You can't help but be excited for her adventures, but I would be a blubbering mess ~ you're a great mom! Dive into those projects, friend!

  3. What an exciting time for her - I would be a complete wreck!

  4. You are so great and she is so cute. I don't know how I would get through the lack of contact. I worry when mine goes to the mall. It is an opportunity of a lifetime.

  5. What an amazing adventure! I'm so impressed she's doing this in high school - I'm not sure I would've had the guts to set out of my comfort zone that young!

  6. What an amazing adventure! I'm so impressed she's doing this in high school - I'm not sure I would've had the guts to set out of my comfort zone that young!

  7. OMG, I know it was hard to let her go, but this is so exciting! Can't wait to see her photos, and I pray for her safe travels and good health. What a fabulous adventure ( and what great parents you are!!!)
    xo Nancy

  8. You must be so proud but also a little (maybe a lot) sad that you'll miss your girl for a while. There is lots of technology to stay in touch these days which is probably very comforting. What a journey and one that she will have with her for a lifetime! A big hug to you my friend!

  9. Credit to you for letting her take this step. She will grow in ways that will make you so incredibly proud. If she's blogging, do share. xo

  10. What an amazing opportunity, Cathy!! She is going to have such an unbelievable experience, I'm pretty jealous! My one regret looking back at college was that I didn't study abroad:( Would love to see her pics from the trip...and btw, she's beautiful! Looks like she has a great personality too:)

  11. That is amazing! I can see whey you are so proud of her. What a fabulous opportunity for her. I can't wait to get a peek at her adventure.

  12. Hi! I'm hopping over from Hazardous Design. Wow! How brave of her as still a teenager...her adventures will be an amazing experience! I'm so curious...did her high school coordinate this?!


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