
Monday, February 18, 2013

Gallery walls and dances...

Having people to your house lights a fire to get things done doesn't it? The newspaper that had been on my family room walls for a spell came down and the additional pieces went up on my "gallery wall" in time for the pre-dance photos on Saturday.

Here we are "way before," as in about 2 years ago...

And as of Saturday with the addition of some ceramic molds and framed kuba cloth... I am liking it! 
Yes, I am a symmetry kind of girl, can you tell?!

Now for the good stuff!
My oldest and his date, rockin' it in their leopard...

And my youngest, proving to his date's older brother that he is good on his word "not to touch her!!!"

The boys even did a courtesy shot with Mom, aren't they nice?

I think my guys enjoyed having fun and letting the girls pick up the tab, who wouldn't? 

And now that I have begun to alter things in my family room, I have more ideas for some tweaks in there. A little domino effect wouldn't you say?

What changes did you make in your home over the week-end? 

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx


  1. your boys are so cute, and so are you!!! and i love the new symmetry of that wall!

  2. Aww, good times. It looks like your younger son might be taller than you? I am now the shortest person in my house....except for the dog. Cute boys, cute girls...very sweet. I love Kuba cloth, too.

  3. These are great photos of you and your boys Cathy! And just the motivation to get things moving in the family room. Oh yes, I think we all know what that's like to have some motivation to get the house in order - and you're right a lot of times it does domino. Looking forward to seeing what you've got planned. After I see your doilies framed it reminds me that I'd really like to do that with some of the ones my Mom had given me from ancestors.

  4. Too cute! And yes visitors over are a good kick in the pants for me! :)

  5. Loved seeing those fun pics of you and your stylish guys! Very cute!! I had forgotten about your framed doilies, such a great unique look, the new additions are perfect with them!

  6. Great photo of you and your boys! They're so handsome :). I love the update and those lamps are fantastic! Have you posted about them before? Oh, and I still really like how you didn't center all the doilies in the frames. Such a nice touch :)

  7. Whoa, that comment before mine looks like spam! Your boys are adorable, excuse me, I mean handsome and looks like a fun night. I miss those days! Love your grouping re-arrange. Isn't it fun to keep tweaking our own houses?
    xo Nancy


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