
Friday, February 1, 2013

Playing Hooky....

No time for a real post today as I am off for some fun for the day...

A college friend of mine is a dealer at this show and invited me to attend, how could I say no? I can't wait to see Carole and her goodies as well as what else the show has to offer and I am bringing my camera.....
Maybe I'll even be able to get some good phone shots and share them on Instagram since I am the cutting edge of connected...!!!
My husband has confiscated the checkbook so there are not likely to be any major purchases, but one just never knows.

Hope you all have lots o' plans for a great week-end!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx


  1. I am so jealous. I wish I could go, too. Hopefully your pictures will almost be the same thing. Remember, hide the purchases in your garage...and get mad at your husband when he says "is this new?" The answer is, "you never remember anything".

  2. Sounds like the perfect day. Did he confiscate your credit card too? Hopefully not. I'd love to see some of your finds.

  3. What a fun day! Hope you finds lots of great things - even if just to admire :)

  4. Have fun!! Oh my goodness you're on Instagram, that may have just pushed me over the edge to hop on, too! :)

  5. Oooooh, how fun! Hope you found some great stuff.

  6. Does sound fun - I still need to do my post on the Clover Market from last weekend.


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