
Monday, February 11, 2013

Replace the "boob" Light: 12 fixtures for $100 or less

Builders love 'em, many of us have 'em or have had 'em (I still have a couple) and designers hate 'em.... Yes I am talking about the "boob" light! Not sure what a "boob" light is? Check it out in it's most basic form...

They are widely used because they are typically very inexpensive (the one above is $23.) But they are also found all dressed up and selling for a pretty penny, like this one...  for a mere $299.99!

I have not gotten around to replacing the ones in my house yet due to cost and decorating priority, but when I am ready, (or the hubs is ready to loosen the purse strings) here are a dozen suitable replacements. They are all flush mount fixtures, perfect for homes like mine with 8' ceilings.

Flush Mount Fixtures $100 or less
Top to bottom, left to right
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12

Check out what Kristin from The Hunted Interior did with light number 10 above:

A little Rub 'N' Buff and some gold spray paint and she made that guy look like it's $272 friend. Pretty clever, yes?

Do you still have "boob" lights in your home? What would you use to replace them?
Later this week I'll share my picks for semi-flush fixtures that can work for replacing those unsightly lights as well.

I hope my friends on the East Coast are all dug out and back to normal after the crazy storm over the week-end, stay warm and safe. We had pouring rain yesterday and it feels like Oz here today, the wind is howling and gusts of up to 45mph are expected. Aahhh, Winter in the Midwest!!!

 Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx


  1. Best post title ever!! And a great collection of flush mounts. We surprisingly do not have any boob lights in our house, but the flush mount at the top of our second floor drives me crazy. Would replace it if we were staying in this house longer but it'll do. We had the high winds on Saturday and lots of rain today. Yesterday was a beautiful sunny winter day here.

  2. It's on my list - great round-up for when it gets to the top of my priority list, too! Just a tiny dusting of snow for Denver. :(

  3. You are reading my mind. #8 is really similar to the one at Lowe's that I was looking at. Great round-up. Pinning it.

  4. Thank you for this post, Cathy! We don't have any boob lights but we do have really cheap, ugly flush mounted lights that need to GO! I love these options and what Kristin did to her light - the patina on it is great.

  5. I have 2 boob (lights) that are going away very soon. Love all of your options!

  6. Amazingly, we have no boob lights! Maybe it's a perk of an old house (there has to be a perk, right)? This is a great round up -- I've been wanting #2 for our hallway for awhile.

  7. Thank you for this. I do have a couple of these that need replacing. Occasionally I will look into replacing them but no decisions yet because they are low on my priority list. But this helps, Cathy.

  8. Number 2 price only includes the fixture. With the shade as shown is about $170.


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