
Monday, July 18, 2011

DIY: "Green" projects

Nothing intrigues me more than a good Do It Yourself project. With the wonderful world of the internet and sites like Pinterest, I am amazed on a daily basis with the creativity of people. Combine creativity with materials you have on hand and would likely otherwise toss, and I am really impressed.  Today I am showcasing 3 excellent projects, that seem easy to do with "green" supplies.  Since I have shared that I have "DIY- ADD" I have to qualify today's post by saying that while I am intrigued with these wonderful ideas, I have not tried them myself, one day maybe, but not yet!

I love this basket created by braiding together plastic shopping bags and then sewing the bags into a basket, so simple there is not even a tutorial!

Produce bags made from old t-shirts destined for Goodwill, too clever.... From Delia Creates, here is the tutorial.

Delia Creates
Finally, do you not love this cute gift wrapping idea?  Who would have thought a fruit bag would look so darling reincarnated as trim on a gift box.  Again so simple, no tutorial necessary!
What clever DIY projects have you done using "green" materials that you have on hand?
We are in the midst of a heat wave here in Madison this week, so wish me luck as I attempt to stay cool with the heat index rising to 110 degrees today!  Not my favorite weather....
Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design
If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx

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