
Thursday, July 14, 2011


Over the past few years, I have been dreaming of ways to eliminate some of the grass (read: dandelions, thistle, clover and other assorted weeds) in my back yard by replacing it with planting beds.  When our kids were younger this made no sense as they would have trampled whatever we put there with their games of "pickle," tag, baseball and other made up fun.  Well, teenagers just don't play like that and when they do, we have a huge park nearby, so I am back to dreaming/planning.  I think I finally have the hubby on board since part of the process will involve replacing a couple of small trees that have seen better days, and he loves to get out "Wild Thing," his chainsaw. Yes, the chainsaw has a name, was bought because of it's name and is generally referred to by all here at the Wall House by said name.  ("Wild Thing" I think I love you....!)

As with any good design project, the initial phase involves lots of research, so I am digging in.  While I know a little bit about gardening and plants, I need to really up the ante here, especially since we are trying to use mostly native species.  So don't mind me as I share bits and pieces here on "Room Rx," with you, my "bloggy friends." 

Today's installment, "Grass-scapes."  I love the look of native grasses and want to incorporate as many as possible, so I pulled together a Design Concept Board (because I can do one for just about anything, rooms, weddings, gardens, maybe even  the college selection process when we get to that in the near future) to see how they look with a few other favorite perennials.

The grasses are identified in purple above and perennials in orange. I was a little reckless about using their scientific names versus their common names, but you get the picture.  Since I have shared in the past that I have "Project/DIY ADD," I'm glad Mr. Rx will be working with me on this one, he'll keep things moving.  For now, I am simply dreaming and planning, I'm not sure exactly when all of this landscaping will commence and there are a few things that may require bringing in the "big guns" to accomplish.  You can be sure, I'll keep y'all posted!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design
If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx

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