
Monday, August 22, 2011

A Huge Thank You and a Vacation Re-cap!

I'm back!  We had a terrific vacation to Northern Michigan camping at Orchard Beach State Park and spending a few days in Glen Arbor and I thought I would share a few photos and favorite moments.  But first, I want to give a huge shout out and THANK YOU to my guest bloggers....Thanks for keeping Room Rx going in my absence! Holly, Sherry, Jenn, Sarah, Lisa and Carrie I really appreciate the sharing of great content and your willingness to help, you guys are the best! (Click on each name to check out all of the lovely blogs, and if you missed any of the posts from last week, go to the right sidebar and check them out.)

On to my favorite moments, "mandatory sunsets" overlooking Lake Michigan, 5 nights in a row, one more beautiful than the next.

Spending time with not only my hubby and kids, but with my fun loving and adorable niece and nephew, my awesome CSIL and her family and my wonderful in-laws...

Visiting Michigan State University as well as the state capitol

Watching and cheering while the crazy kids jumped off a tall embankment into the lake

Driving jeeps all over the dunes at Silver Lake

Being proud of my 16 year old's "mad skills" at driving the dunes!

Checking out the lighthouse at Point Betsie

Enjoying our wonderful accomodations at The Homestead in Glen Arbor

Watching the kids "do" Sleeping Bear Dune (This was not necessarily my favorite, but the kids all loved it.... and yes, this was how steep the climb was!)

You can't read it in this photo, but this sign says it all "DO NOT CLIMB THE DUNE." Apparently my gang couldn't read it either!

This is the long view of the dune... pretty intense!

Sleeping Bear Dunes was, just last week, voted the most beautiful place in America by the viewers of Good Morning America. If you have never been there, it is a wonderful vacation spot, crystal clear lakes, cute little towns, fabulous restaurants and lodging and more to do than anyone can cover in a week. In other words, the perfect place for a getaway! Have any of you vacationed there?  Did you not just love it?

Going on vacation is the best, but all good things must come to an end. Today I am knee deep in laundry, grocery shopping, registering my kids for school and catching up on projects, email and other things left unfinished before leaving.  My vacation "glow" could be severely dimmed by the end of the day... and so it goes!



  1. Wow, that sunset is really beautiful. I could get used to looking at that each night. Looks like you had a wonderful time with your family. Welcome back!

  2. Love, love, love the picture of the warning sign AFTER the picture of the climb. That's my kind of art. What a beautiful vacation. Keep that glow on as best you can--a positive attitude has been shown to be effective in the removal of tough laundry stains, and it'll help you get through that ugly school registration process!

  3. What a great holiday. Is there anything better or more cost effective than a camping holiday? Glad you had such fun times.

  4. Looks like you had a fun, eventful week. The picture of sleeping bear dune is stunning..have to add it to my pinterest board of places to go. Thx for inviting me to post!

  5. Wow! What a beautiful place. I grew up going to Lake Superior and Lake Michigan might be even more gorgeous. I just discovered your blog thru Lisa at A Room with a View and Holly G from West Pear Ave. I'm deligted to be a new follower!

  6. Welcome back Cathy! Looks like a fantastic vacay. I was just in the U.P. so I'm not as jealous as I could be!

  7. Looks like a great place to get away, and enjoy some quality family time!


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