
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Special Guest: Sarah at Pewter & Sage

The very first time I really put myself out there as a blogger was for one of my next guest's "Mood Board Monday" linky parties on her lovely blog Pewter & Sage.  Sarah could not have been more welcoming and friendly and since I first participated, we have have made quite the connection.  Truly, this is one of the most rewarding things about blogging, the new friendships.  So today I am delighted to have Sarah here to tell you about her next "Mood Board Monday," take it away Sarah.....

Hi, everyone! So excited to be guest posting over here at Room Rx! I first met Cathy when she participated in a linky party (Mood Board Monday) over at my place. I was immediately impressed with her use of color and pattern. (Plus then I found out she shares my love of that guilty pleasure, The Bachelor/Bachelorette, and I knew we would be fast friends!) When she asked me to guest post, we thought it would be cool to collaborate together on another Mood Board Monday party:)

For those of you just joining us who might not have participated in Mood Board Monday before, here's the general idea (if you're a faithful MBMer, welcome back!)... This blog party is all about seeing how different people are inspired differently by the same things. It's a fun way to share all of the creativity out there and showcase how we can all start from one inspiration point and end up with a variety of ideas. To particape, you need to create a complete mood/idea board for a room of your choice (living room, bedroom, whatever) using one of the inspiration items. There's no budget (unless you decide to challenge yourself) and no client (unless you make one up for yourself), this is just a fun exercise, so use your imagination!!

I'm going to introduce our inspiration today here at Room Rx. Then, on the actual Mood Board Monday party day, you'll head over to my blog, Pewter + Sage, to post the link to your mood board and check out all the other rooms that were created using the same jumping off point. Make sense?
I asked Cathy to choose the inspiration category for this party...and I'm psyched about her idea. We're going to use wallpaper!! Awesome, right? There are so many uses for wallpaper, its really making a comeback nowadays. And because there are also so many gorgeous patterns out there, I asked Cathy to select a couple of ones that she really likes to be included in our inspiration list. Then I chose two patterns that I liked/that I thought would round out our wallpaper pool so that there's something for everyone.

If you choose to accept it, your mission is to design a room around one of these four wallpapers. The actual Mood Board Monday Link up party will be Monday, September 26th. That gives you a few weeks to get inspired, spend imaginary money and prepare your room design. You will need to include your sources in your post and give a brief description of the room. In addition, if you think it might help others better visualize your idea, feel free to include an inspirational pic (or example) of the way you are going to use your wallpaper (as an accent wall, on a piece of furniture, etc.).

Here are the four inspiration wallpapers you have to choose from:

1. Amy Butler Lacework Sunset from Layla Grace

{An Honoree for Interior Design's Best of the Year award, Lacework is a modern take on folk aesthetic. Delicate textures complement the bold feel of the mandalas as sunset pinks and terracotta pop against a deep red background.}

2. Spherica Parchment Paper from Layla Grace

{The medium scale of Spherical's interlocking circles creates a modern pattern suitable for a wide variety of interiors. The tonal parchment design of this screen printed wallpaper adds dimension to any room.}
3. Amy Butler Passion Lily Field from Layla Grace

{Passion Lily bursts upwards with blooms tucked inside the elegant structure of a graphic trellis. Its field-inspired palette contrasts shades of green and cream infusing a room with an eclectic modern aesthetic.}

4. Leafy Scroll Sky Paper from Layla Grace

{Inspired by embroidery, the gracefully trailing vine of this Leafy Scroll design has been surfaced printed for a subtly raised texture. The neutral ivory and sky blue palette of this wallpaper creates a soft backdrop for traditional and modern interiors.}

Yay! So, just to recap:

1. This is a fun way to share all of the creativity out there and showcase how we can all start from one inspiration point and end up with a variety of ideas.
2. To be a participant, you need to create a complete mood/design/inspiration board for a room based on one of the four wallpapers shown here.
3. On Mood Board Monday party day (Monday, September 26th in this case), head on over to my blog to link up to the party (the linky list will go live sometime on Sunday night). You will need to include your sources in your post and give a brief description of the room and how you were inspired by the wallpaper pattern.

Check out our previous Mood Board Monday Linky parties here:
MBM01, MBM02, MBM03, MBM04, MBM05, MBM06, MBM07, MBM08 and MBM09.

Thanks so much for having me, Cathy!! This is going to be super fun:)

Sarah, my mind is a whirl with inspiration and the first thing I am going to do when I get home from vacation is get down to business on creating my mood board!  Thanks for sharing here on Room Rx.  Stay tuned for updates and reminders to get your creative juices flowing and share your ideas on "Mood Board Monday" at Pewter & Sage on September 26th. 


  1. Thanks again so much for having me, Cathy!! Thanks for the lovely intro and the plug at the end:) Hope you are having a great time on vaca!

  2. Sarah, this is such a fun idea! I'd not heard of your party, but I'm totally in. And, those wallpapers are gorgeous! :)

  3. All I have to say is EEEK!! This is such a fun idea. And I think I know which one I'm going to choose already. Thanks to Sarah and Cathy for a great collaboration.

  4. I love this idea! I will definitely try it and mark it on my calendar! :)

  5. I really love this idea- I can't wait to get started and also to see what everyone comes up with. This is going to be fun- I'm in!


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