
Thursday, July 26, 2012

Just taking a breather....

Yes, I am the "Queen of the Obvious" at this point as I am sure you have noticed my radio silence. I am feeling the need to take a break, but also to be in the moment with my family, friends and work, so my posting, blog reading and commenting will be sporadic for the rest of the Summer.

I wish I could say I am doing a lot of what this gal is doing...
but alas, if you could see me, I might look much more like this crazy lady....

At least that is what I am feeling like! It's a good look, don't you think?
So please bear with me as I recharge my batteries, get my creative juices flowing again and focus on the present. My goal is to get back to my regular schedule after school starts in September.
Thanks for your understanding and support!


  1. Are those the specs you're getting?

  2. i see you still pinning and contemplating bangs, so i know you are still alive and well. ;)
    we'll be here when you are! relax and enjoy!

  3. Miss you and your posts -- but COMPLETELY understand! Enjoy your summer! :)

  4. I'm sure I'll survive, but I'm having withdrawals! Enjoy every minute, crazy friend!

  5. Same as Pam :) I'm in my Cathy/Room RX withdrawal but I know you're doing what's best for you and your family which is of utmost importance. Glad you're doing well.

  6. Ive been missing you! Take the much deserved break and never think twice. We will all be here when you get recharged.

  7. Awesome!! (I mean, we miss you, but...) Enjoy yourself, Cathy, we'll all be here when you get back!! Plus it takes some of the pressure off us;) I'm only posting once a week and not worrying about it. Life comes first!

  8. Everyone needs a break! We will be here for you when you get back!

  9. ENjoy your summer, Cathy! My posting has been sporadic, too. And I am off to visit my parents in India soon but will be doing my best to keep the lines open :) Hope you get time to relax, though.


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