
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Curb Appeal: 5 improvements for a Cape Cod

As decorators, designers and DIY aficionados, we tend to focus most of our attention and energy on interiors and living spaces, but let's face it, we all know the weight of first impressions. 
Over the past year I have chronicled my decorating adventures with
 my CSIL and her new, smaller home. Today you get to share in the fun and plans for the exterior beautification project. 

Here is what we are working with, cute, but definitely in need of a little loving.

Where to begin?

This is the plan.....
1) The easiest and most obvious change would be a fresh paint job, which is on the books, so more on that later. 

2) The driveway, sidewalk and paver area look sad and don't function well for the needs of my CSIL and her family. This is a big, necessary and expensive project but will add to the appearance of a well cared for and loved home.

3) Architectural details: the front door bump out and scalloped trim board will be going. Again, with function in mind, the front door will be covered with a small, bracketed roof the lines of these...

The garage door is being replaced and a small arbor, similar to this, will crown the top.

The front windows will get shutters and the scalloped trim board will be removed. The storm door is already gone and we are trying to figure out what will replace it.

4) Lighting -  a new lantern will hang from the peak of the bracketed roof over the door.

5) Landscaping - the wimpy, half dead shrubbery is already gone and plans are in the works for plantings that will complement the updated exterior. There will definitely be some yummy containers on the stoop and maybe even a couple of window boxes, but one thing at a time!

A few of things on the list of improvements are done.... 
Like the shrubbery removal and the concrete.

The storm door and scalloped trim are gone 

and work is progressing on the bracketed roof, which looks amazing and transforms the appearance of this little Cape Cod home.

Therese did a wonderful job choosing the brackets, they are beefy and beautiful, purchased from
 Pro Wood Market.

As you can see, things are really coming together! 
And you can be sure I'll share more as the work continues. 
In the meantime if you are ever curious about my previous decorating adventures with my CSIL you can go here and here to catch up. You can also follow along on our  CSIL pinterest board.

What improvements have you made to increase your curb appeal and enhance your home's exterior?


Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design?  I would love to work with you to help your room "feel better."  
Contact me for more information about my design services.


  1. love the inspiration and where it's going! we have a cape cod and i just always love them! i had always wanted one. charming and quaint!

  2. Wow, I love all the changes you proposed and the brackets look amazing. You're right, curb appeal is huge and this house is certainly going to have plenty of it once you two work your magic!

  3. Oh wow! What a transformation already! I can't even believe what a difference removing the scallops made, and the build out is so nice. It draws so much attention to the door way.

  4. I can't wait to see how this one progresses. Proof that good things can come in small (cozy) packages! Well done, gals.

  5. What a difference already with the concrete path and the new structure over the door - I love it. As far as the process, did she show the contractors photos of what she wanted? I'd love to do something like this in the future at our house. We definitely want to add some curb appeal to our new house as well - new doors, new lights, paint the shutters. It is an investment but worth it when you can pull into your driveway and smile each time. :)

  6. Oh wow, what a difference already, Cathy!! I love the front door - beautiful!!!

  7. This is going to be the sweetest transformation. I love and agree with all of your ideas. Looks like it won't be long before it's finished.

  8. She has such amazing taste and with your help it's sure to be oozing with charm when you two are finished!! It's already come a long way, great updates!

  9. It looks fantastic already! I love that entry inspiration picture and what a charming cottage it is.. fabulous choices..
    xo Nancy


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