
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Design Does Good - Room Service Atlanta

As my kids have gotten older (they are now teenagers), a discussion that happens frequently in our home is about how to give back, how to serve others.  Both my husband and I practice what we preach in a variety of ways, from serving on the school PTO and neighborhood association board to helping with Habitat for Humanity and our local "Ice Age Trail Association," all things we enjoy.  We have encouraged our children to find causes that they are interested in and to pursue lending a hand with them, not an easy task at the "me stage" of life they are in, but we're getting there.

A regular reader of Design Indugence, I have been following designer Sherry Hart's activities in participating in Room Service Atlanta's effort to improve the lives of Atlanta residents living in shelters, specifically at The Nicholas House.  Room Service Atlanta is the result of brainstorming on the part of two Atlanta designers looking for a way to give back to their community.  Dayka Robinson and Erika Ward, co-founded Room Service Atlanta with the idea that "one shelter at a time, we’re sharing our talents to help create comfortable, relaxing, and inspiring interiors for homeless families as they work to get back on their feet."  For their first project, The Nicholas House, they gathered together 15 talented artists and designers to make-over, on a very limited budget, the rooms that are called "home" to the Nicholas House residents. The results are absolutely incredible, rooms created with the attention to detail and care each of us would put into our own homes.

Check out some of the transformations below and be sure to take some time to see all of them by visiting the Room Service Atlanta website and clicking on each designer's blog or portfolio.

 Lori May Interiors

 Dayka Robinson

Erika Ward 

 Angela Blehm

Anisa Darnell

 Lakeitha Duncan

I am beyond impressed with the transformations and the resourcefulness of the designers and I'm certain that the Nicholas House residents feel the warm hug of care and hopefulness that each individual who helped re-do these rooms gave them with their efforts.  My mind is spinning with the possibilities of how to give back in a similar way here in Madison.

How do you give of your talents in your community?  Have you ever used your design skills to make a difference?  If so I would love to hear....

Just a reminder..... Don't forget to come to the party with all things fabric for my link up on this week's "Fresh Fabrics Friday." I'll share the particulars tomorrow.

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me,
I would love to help your room feel better!


  1. Cathy that was so sweet of is amazing how wonderful all of the rooms looked!

  2. Such a talented group!! I'm glad you posted this b/c I haven't seen all of them. Off to check it out.

  3. This project was truly a labor of love! Thanks for spreading the word on the project and for featuring my space:-)


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