
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Container Garden Update: Patio Pots

Good weather and a little bit of free time in the afternoon yesterday and I was able to wrap up my patio pots!  As I said yesterday, I am no expert, I like to "noodle around" in the garden and I try something different every year in these pots, but I like how they turned out.  Careful watering and a little bit of fertilizer and they should be healthy, full and beautiful for the whole season.

My paver patio is large enough to be home to both a seating and dining area, so the pots are arranged in three groupings of three, around the perimeter.  Years ago the idea of using evergreen shrubs came to me as both a cost saving and winter interest measure, so this arrangement includes a Globe Arborvitae and another low growing variety (sorry, I planted it a few years ago and cannot remember the name).  I use different sized fiberglass pots (anything else does not hold up well in Winter's freeze/thaw cycle) and tend more toward plants with interesting foliage and color than flowers.

My patio gets full sun exposure, so when selecting the plants, I chose several in a chartreuse and purple pallet that could handle the sun.

Love the purple and chartreuse Petunia!

These are a couple of  "tried and true" standbys which I use every year on the patio....
I love how it fills out with it's large, heart shaped leaves, making it the perfect "spiller" plant, falling over the side of the planter and tying the grouping together.
Grasses are a favorite of mine in any size, shape or variety.  This one grows pretty large, has a great "flower" at it's tip and makes an impressive "thriller" in a container.

This plant is new to me this year, I chose it for its color, texture and "spiller" qualities...

I may add a plant or two to fill things in, but overall I am pleased with the results and look forward to relaxing on the patio and enjoying how everything looks.  My front stoop containers need a bit more work before they are photo worthy, not sure when that will happen, but I'll be sure to share when they are ready. 

What do you plant in your containers?  Do you have any "tried and true" plants that you go to each year?  I would love to hear!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design
If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better!

1 comment:

  1. I just planted our containers over the weekend. So nice to see some extra color in the yard.


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