
Friday, June 3, 2011


And here I was, all pleased with how my patio pots turned out when, what should I get in my in box, but these amazing photos of my CSIL's containers.....

Didn't she do a wonderful job?  Everything about them is perfect, the containers themselves (jealous) as well as the gorgeous plants. I'd say she really nailed the "filler, thriller and spiller" concept, what do you think?
Without much direct sun in her yard, my CSIL got creative in terms of how and where to make an herb garden by using a sunny, but  un-loved corner and some "seen better days" containers....

CSIL and BIL are fabulous cooks so I'm sure the fresh herbs will be well used in their kitchen.  The two vignettes make for a welcoming entry (the one almost everyone uses) through their patio and back door.

Forgive me for not posting a "Fresh Fabrics Friday" post today, life has me "busier than a one armed paper hanger" (one of my Dad, Chip's favorite comments) and I couldn't resist showing off my CSIL's talents and keeping the garden theme going this week!!!  Have a great week-end and come back next week when I hope to have a Room Rx reveal for you!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design
If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better!

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