
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Artist Profile: Therese Winnard - my CSIL

Often here on Room Rx I refer to my CSIL so I thought I would finally do right by her and make a formal introduction to you all.  CSIL is an acronym for Creative Sister In Law, so without further adieu, let me introduce my not only creative, but wonderful sister in law, Therese Winnard.
Therese is the sister I never had, she is the 3rd child and only girl in a family of 5 kids. My husband is her oldest brother.  Therese is wife to Mark (a pretty clever guy himself) and mom to 3 wonderful boys, whom my kids adore. We hit it off from day one and while our talents lie in different areas (she is an elementary school music teacher and an amazing seamstress) we have always fueled each other's creative thinking. A visit with one another always involves some sort of brainstorming about a project, as well as hours of discussing life, parenting and other topics near and dear to our hearts.

I could gush for days, but I think you get the picture... now to move on to sharing her talents with you.  Did I mention that she is an amazing seamstress?  Yup, thought so....well let me show you some of her work.  We'll start with window treatments....

Therese not only made the Roman Shades, but along with her husband, built the Cornice Boxes (and painted the floor).

More Cornice Boards and Roman Shades...
With a little help from Mark, she built the ottoman and made the tack board in the niche.

Love those contrast trimmed Roman Shades.....

Beautiful, color blocked panels...

Grommeted shower and cafe curtains....

Another ottoman, from scratch....

Oh....and pillows...lots and lots of clever pillows.....
And then there is the clothing she makes!  My daughter and our other nieces have been the lucky recipients of beautiful "Therese Made" dresses and outfits over the years (so many and so cute there is not room for it all here).  Therese enjoys sewing for herself and has a fabulous sense of style, which coupled with beautiful fabrics, always translates into show stopping pieces.

She's something isn't she?  And remember, I am only showcasing her sewing and decorating talents here, she is also an amazing music teacher, the kind we all wish our kids had in elementary school. Therese's creativity flows to her music programs and approach to engaging kids in music, making her a teacher that not only students adore, but parents too.

What I love about Therese is her openness to new ideas and her willingness to go out on a limb.  When we talk decorating, she is like my little "home decor incubator" if I can dream it, she can do it and she does. This applies to all areas of her life, she is always willing to change things up, to tweak things in order to make improvements.  She is a terrific role model, dear friend and ideal sister in-law, I could not be more lucky! I look forward to many more years of collaborating with her on not only decorating projects, but life.

And I'll sign off today with the jewelry storage shadow boxes she made, yes she is a clever girl!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design
If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx.


  1. Love the green walls and the orange ottoman!

    'Please visit our new website'

  2. WOW, talent overload! It really isn't fair for one person to be so blinking talented! I really am impressed with the fashion, that is amazing!

  3. oh that girl has mad skills!!! love it all!!!

  4. You are very fortunate to have her in your life. Not only is she obviously very skilled but she sounds like a wonderful person.

  5. You are so lucky! It is one thing to have a SIL you like so much, but to have one with this much talent? You totally won the lottery.
    Love all of her window treatments. And those ottomans!

  6. Wow! This is her mother, grannie annie. I wish I could say she gets her creativity from me, but actually, the talent gene pool skippped a generation. She gets her skills from her grandmother, my mother, Elizabeth.

  7. Wow, Therese is extremely talented - you two must have a ball when you get together! How fun to have someone like that to spend lots of time with both as a friend and as family.

  8. As you can see I am catching up here! WOW she is a wonderful seamstress. The thing about sewing is it takes time and patience. That just tells you a little about her also :). Love the way she hung that shower curtain. Might have to steal that!

  9. Everything is beautiful. Perfectly put in their right places. The colors, the furniture.

  10. Kim Nacrelli, kimn@usa.comJanuary 28, 2013 at 11:15 AM

    Soooo glad I found your blog! I have been searching for example pics of roman shades with cornices to the ceiling (worked into crown modling) and this is the ONLY one I found. I couldn't really imagine what it would look like, and this helped tremendously. Thanks so much for posting your CSIL's great work on your blog! :)


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