
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Color of the Moment: red & black

So friends, before I launch into my Color of the Moment post, I am proud to tell you that I finished my first ever century bike ride on Sunday! Great friends, beautiful weather, cool temperatures and a tailwind for the fist 1/2 of the ride (which does however, translate into a headwind on the way home...) helped ensure that this 50+ gal was able to ride the whole 100 miles and feel pretty darned good at the end.  I guess when one puts their mind to something, there is no stopping them.  My trick out there was not to get too far ahead of myself mentally, keep a steady pace, to enjoy the company and laughter of friends and to always see the finish.  It was a truly memorable day and the talk is to make it an annual tradition, but that's getting a little ahead of myself wouldn't you say???!!!

Today's color combo was inspired by my friends and their red & black bike jerseys....

2 images {via}

Vivid and graphic, a little or a lot, red & black together is exciting. Whether a designing a whole room around these colors or using them as accents, there are many amazing, bold product choices available. Today I share a round up of some of my favorite red & black goodies...enjoy!
red & black

(If you are ever curious about an item pictured in my boards, please contact me either by commenting or sending and email)

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design
If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx.


  1. How wonderful - a great accomplishment Cathy!! Congrats to you and your friends. And your red and black inspirations are really awesome - I love that umbrella photo and all of your items you pulled together. And all inspired from your bike unis - cool!!

  2. Sounds exhilirating! Great idea to do a red&black board - love the couch and the rug.

  3. Congratulations! Sounds like a fun day and such an amazing accomplishment. Great moodboard too :)

  4. Girl. I am impressed!!! I have done some cycling in my day and 100 miles is tough way to go!


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