
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Inspired: Thinking outside of the box

The kitchen I have been working on is going to have a banquette so I have been tuned into them of late.  I came across this image the other day from a kitchen done by Rachel Halvorson Designs and was in "hog heaven!"

Could you die?  Isn't this just stunning? The project that I am working on has a window over the banquette and we need additional storage so the design will be much different, but I love a creative approach to something tried and true.  This is thinking outside of the box people!

Rachel has a delightful blog called Nest Egg which you must check out, her talent is incredible and you'll find more photos of some of her projects there.

In other news, remember the blog party I have told you about, Roomspiration?  Today it's all about craft rooms over at  Family Brings Joy and of course I have a craft room to share so I am linking up.  Go on over and get inspired!
Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx


  1. Oh yeah she's a beauty - the banquette that is. Love it and would love a little nook like that in my own home.

  2. That is gorgeous! I would sit there for hours and hours if I had a space like that in my home.

  3. Oh I love it! Can't wait to see your interpretation. Lucky client :)


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