
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Twenty years

Twenty years ago today, I married the most amazing guy.  Tom is fun, (and a "funster") adventuresome, kind, patient, giving, supportive, even keeled, a great Dad, a loving son and a wonderful husband. I am so lucky.

Like most couples, we have been through a lot in the course of twenty years, some things wonderful and some very difficult, time and events that have served to strengthen our relationship, for which I am grateful. I'm still amazed when I make a comment and he says, "I was just thinking that!"

Thank you for 20 adventure filled years, 3 beautiful kids and a whole lot of wonderful memories. 
I am just as crazy about you today as I was when we said "I do" and can't wait to see what the next twenty years brings for us.
Happy 20th Anniversary!


  1. nice. made me tear up!! Congrats to the awesome couple!!

  2. Such a sweet post! I'm always so inspired by people who've been married for a long time and are still in love. It seems almost rare these days? Anyway, congratulations and happy anniversary! :)

  3. Aw, how wonderful, Cathy! Those are really great pictures of you and your sweetie and your family. And you were a beautiful bride - where did you marry as I see the cityscape in the background? That's a great picture. Enjoy your wonderful anniversary today!

  4. Beautiful pictures and great-looking family. Congratulations, Cathy!

  5. Happy Anniversary to an awesome couple!

  6. Aw, so cute! Happy Anniversary and congrats on 20 years! Your family is beautiful:)

  7. Happy anniversary, a bit late, to one of my All Time Favorite Couples!

  8. What a sweet post. Happy Anniversary a little late. I'm a new follower :)


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