
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Color of the Moment: camel & green

Green is a favorite color of mine (yes, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before, about a hundred times...) and yesterday's post inspired me to pair it with a rich camel.  So natural, so soothing and rich....
 {via} flickr
And ummm, yes, I took that pairing literally!!!!
Inspired by This

Classic elements like barley twist chairs and candlesticks, combined with a modern take on fern botanicals, a leopard patterned rug and  the current classic fabric, "Imperial Trellis" by Schumacher give this dining room an up to date feel.
camel & green

(If you are ever curious about an item pictured in my boards, please contact me either by commenting or sending and email)

PS and by the way, today I am linking up to another fun blog party over at  abode love called Roomspiration.  A pretty cool concept with a slew of bloggers hosting parties for various rooms around the house.  This party is all about entries, go have a look for yourself...

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design
If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx.


  1. Green is one of my favorites too - I love these earthy colors together. I really like that buffet for some wood tones in the space. Nice collection Cathy.

  2. I like the calmness of these colors and imperial trellis is a great modern pattern.


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