
Monday, September 19, 2011

Wallpaper Wow

OK people, here is what we are doing today....we are going to get you pumped full of inspiration for next week's Mood Board Monday, being hosted by Sarah over at Pewter and Sage. Sarah and I are co-conspirators on this MBM which was introduced to you all back in August with the inspiration being wallpaper.  All of the instructions for what to do and how to do it in order to participate next week, as well as the wallpapers we have chosen, can be found here. Remember if you would like to share some inspiration photos for how you intend to use the wallpaper in your imaginary (or real) room, please do.

So today, in order to get your creative juices flowing, I have eye candy for you involving wallpaper.  Grab a comfy seat, your cup of coffee and let's get started.  First up, perhaps you have seen this stunning powder room done by my "bloggy-friend" Carrie over at Hazardous Design, but I am sharing again because it packs a lot of wow in a little space....
Hazardous Design

Talk about a lot of  impact, how about this wallpapered laundry room?
Scandinavian Chic

Or this foyer?

Next we are on to other uses for wallpaper, like inside this "cloffice"

Or framed as art and lining the inside of an organizer or wall cupboard...

A wall hanging 

I love the idea of using just a bit of wallpaper and trimming it out with a moulding...

Or creating a headboard....
2 images {via}

How about an accent wall?
Carolina Gentry, RID {via}

A ceiling?

Or maybe the whole, entire room.....
Are you inspired yet???!!!  I certainly hope so because I can't wait to see all of the creative ideas and Mood Boards next Monday! Start your engines friends.... 
Go here for the whole scoop and we'll see you over at Pewter & Sage a week from today! 

I'm joining a fun new blog party today over at Homemaker on a Dime, it's all about creative endeavors so I am linking up this post about my cousin's wedding!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx


  1. Awesome, Cathy!! I was totally thinking of doing something like this this week too, but now I don't have to:) Thank you so much for helping getting people psyched! I forgot about a couple of these uses for wallpaper, so thanks for reminding me. I love that headboard and the vignette with the molding...and of course, Carrie's bathroom - that room rocks! I'm going to edit my reminder post today to add a link over here to this inspiration post of yours. Thanks!! see you next week;)

  2. The wallpapers are fabulous! I wish I had talent in picking them out! Christie at Three Pixie Lane

  3. Hi Cathy, I guess wallpaper is coming back indeed! Should I leave up our 25yr old paper?LOL! I'm always a trend behind, by the time I finish stripping the paper in this house, and paint, then change to paper, it will be out again! I do like it as an accent and maybe I'll create a wall decor of sorts.

  4. I'm pumped!! And this got me even more pumped! One of these options is how I chose to use the wallpaper. And Carrie's bathroom is so out of the park fantastic. I know I've been anti-wallpaper but how can I be after all of this wallpaper goodness? Great post!

  5. I love all of these! I'm so excited for mood board Monday, I already have a good start on my mood board :).

  6. love all the creative ideas! Especially that 1st bathroom, the headboard and the closets!!
    All so stylish!

  7. I like your ideas for alternative uses of wallpaper, because unlike brave Carrie from Hazardous Design, I am one big ninny when it comes to that stuff. But a drawer? A drawer I can do! :)


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