
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

DIY: nursery mobiles

February and March 2012 are going to be big months in my extended family! Three of my cousins will be "adding to their little families" with 4 babies due in those two months!!!! Add to that the pregnancy of a good family friend who has known these guys since they were kids, and we are talking about 5 babies.  And yes, there is a set of twins in the mix!  Such timing, such fun for these families and their little ones. As you might imagine, the designer in me is on "over drive" imagining the possibilities for some adorable nurseries and searching for ways to create those spaces on the cheap.  Enter the DIY mobile, endless possibilities, some simple, some more complicated, here is a round up of my favorites....

Paper Spheres, made with scrapbook paper and photos.
Emily Burnett's Recipe for Cute

A paper (or paint chip) rainbow.

Since I have a "thing" for doilies, this could be my favorite...
Prudent Baby

Love these yarn wrapped balls...
spearmint baby

and fabric flowers.
First Time Fancy

The fabric scrap birds are whimsical too!

Are these not clever as can be and adorable?  Which one would you choose?

On a side note....I am having technical difficulties today (my main computer is in the shop and my laptop is persnickety) and am for some reason unable to link up the sources and tutorials for these great DIY projects.  I should have my computer back and be straightened out by the end of the week at which time I'll link up.  In the meantime, I have listed the websites and blogs so you can search them out if you are inclined.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design
If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx.


  1. These are all so fun! I think my preference is leaning toward the yarn balls, those are really cool. I've also seen one with ribbons too that is pretty - i'll have to try to find that link. Because I have so much scrapbook paper, that first one would probably be best for me to try. Quite an exciting time for your family with all of those babies!! Good luck with your computer stuff too.

  2. They are all so cute, whimsical and quite different..there is no limit to creativity for mobiles. Thank you for sharing!

  3. What an exciting time for your family!! Thanks so much for including our mobile!! :) Our little girl is finally starting to pay attention, so all of my hard work on it is truly paying off!

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Definitely the second one! Do you have a link to the tutorial for this? I just bought lots if felt today!


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