
Monday, February 27, 2012

Charming Kalamazoo, MI home for sale!

If you have been reading Room Rx for a while you know about my CSIL and our decorating adventures together. Well, those decorating adventures have just taken an exciting turn, a whole new house to work on!  My sister and brother in law have decided that now is the time to sell their home and downsize. With changing goals and priorities, kids in and soon going off to college, this big ol' house is more than my CSIL and her husband want to deal with, so they are "movin' on."  I absolutely adore their lovely home in Kalamzoo, MI and thought, since you never know who is reading/listening, that I would share the fact that it is now on the market!

So if you are or someone you know is house hunting in Kalamazoo, send them a link!  This home is full of character and vintage detail, but is tastefully renovated and modernized.  The Westnedge neighborhood of Kalamazoo, where the home is located, is a lovely area, full of classic homes, tree lined streets and a wonderful elementary school. And for those who send their kids to Kalamazo public schools, there is The Kalamazoo Promise, an amazing college scholarship opportunity available to all students.

Below are a few photos I pulled from the listing:

Just last Spring we updated this space...

 And then there is this bathroom we worked on together...

There are many more photos as well as additional information about the property here.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would be interested in talking with my CSIL or touring the home. 

In the meantime, we are busy dreaming about what the new home will look like (yes, I am including myself in the "we" as I am definitely living vicariously through my CSIL and BIL)!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx.


  1. WOW! i wish i was looking there! you can't get a home like that in this area for that price either. it's GORGEOUS!!!!! i love the bathroom and the entry!

  2. The house is fabulous and I am sure it will sell quickly.

  3. Wow, it's as gorgeous inside as out! Some lucky buyer is going to be very thankful!

  4. I'd snatch that beauty up in a heartbeat if I lived there - what a beautiful home and really has all of the character and warmth that I'd love to have in our next home. Good idea with sharing too - you never know who's reading! Hope you had a great weekend and can't wait to see what your CSIL end up purchasing this time around (and the design plans of course).

  5. What a gorgeous home! And, how fun to have a blank slate to play with :)

  6. Gorgeous! They aren't going to have any trouble at all selling that house. It looks charming and full of character, my kind of home!

  7. What a beautiful home! We don't get that kind of character here unless you want to pay big big bucks and then they aren't in the best neighborhood and too small for a growing family. :(

    Best wishes on the house hunting! I hope they find a gem!


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