
Monday, February 20, 2012

A DIY I didn't do: suitcase side table

On a daily basis there are tons of ideas for projects swimming around in my head, some I do, some I tell my friends, family and clients about and they do, and others, well, in the past they have just gone un-shared.... no more!  From here on out, I promise to share with you, loyal and new readers alike, the things that are bouncing around this ol(d) brain of mine with the hopes that something sparks your imagination and the beginnings of an idea or a project for you. No regularity to this feature, I'll share only when an idea is there.

Out and about last week looking for pieces for a client project, I spotted this kitschy side table in a local furniture store. I was taken with not only the colors, but the functionality (storage for those who need every inch).

 Not a bad price for $179, but what really inspired me was that it could be a really inexpensive DIY project.  So I figure I would do a quick search for vintage suitcases from the comfort of my own home in order to see if this was the case. Noodling around the web, this number turned up for $32 (thank you etsy).

Now if you are really inspired and motivated, you can scout your local vintage and 2nd hand shops for these and probably score a better deal. But for today's purposes, I thought this was perfect.
Then for the base of the table...I thought the bottom of a chair would work nicely to mimic the lines on the piece from the furniture store. So, again, shopping from the comfort of my chair, with a cup of coffee in hand and yes, still wearing my pajamas, I found this for $15. I like the cross bars on the bottom, sturdy and interesting...

Craigslist -  Madison, WI

I would leave the suitcase as is and paint the chair/table base in a color to match whatever room the piece would live in. Fun, no?!  How adorable would these be as nightstands, used with wall mounted swing-arm lamps for lighting? Or in a family room, with a great floor lamp, so you have a place to hide all of the remotes? 

If you like this and decide to make one, please do share, I'd love to show it off for you! You never know, maybe a project like this will move up on the que in my world... I'll keep you posted!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx.


  1. love this idea! Thanks for the inspiration.

  2. i love this idea and have been wanting to try it! :)

  3. I've seen a lot of neat ideas with suitcase storage recently. I just saw one idea where they painted the suitcases all white, so it kept the detail but synchronized the look with the same color thorughout. I like this idea and it doesn't seem out of my league either as in I could do this pretty easily. Hope you had a nice weekend!

  4. I love coming across unique pieces like these that easily make for interesting conversation.

  5. Oh, I know what you mean. If only my house/budget was big enough to try all the projects I'd like :)
    This suitcase/side table idea really is a great project. I'm always coming across old suitcases at thrift stores. Hmmmm...

  6. I hope someone does this. I would like to see it. I don't know when I would get around to this one.

  7. Can't find the last comment I left, but you are more than welcome to share my take on a DIY Suitcase side table. Thanks!


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