
Friday, March 2, 2012

Fresh Fabrics Friday: Embellish a pillow

In an effort to keep things interesting here on "Fresh Fabrics Friday" I thought it would be fun to occasionally share "Fresh Fabric Projects."  So today, inspired by Jenn at A Home in the Making and her awesome ombre dye pillow, I have scouted several ways to either create a beautiful pillow from scratch or to embellish a perfectly decent, but ordinary pillow. The links below each photo contain tutorials for creating these clever cushions.

 First, The amazing Ombre Dye Pillow:

Ombre Dye Pillow by A Home in the Making

A ruffled pillow cover, so many ways to do this...

How about a smocked  pillow cover?

Pillows embellished with flowers are all the rage, but the simplicity of this one really appeals to me... 

I have a thing for doilies, so of course I had to include this....
Doily Pillow by Smile & Wave {via} The Beat that Skipped my Heart

Finally, a simple tutorial for making an envelope pillow and using a gorgeous piece of fabric...
Envelope Pillow by Madigan Made

Which one do you like best? Have you created a beautifully embellished pillow using one of these tutorials or one of your own creation? Don't be shy, leave a comment and include a link!

Let me know if there is a fabric related topic that you would like to see discussed here on Fresh Fabrics Friday in the future.  Maybe, like today it is a certain kind of project, maybe you want to know more about a fabric type or pattern, need information about fabric resources,  have a fabric related question or are searching for the perfect fabric for a decorating project.  I would love to help provide answers and information, all you need to do is ask!

Enjoy your week-end!  We are anticipating 4-6" of fresh snow here today. A typical Spring storm, snow gracing the ground for only a few days before the middle of next week when the temperatures soar to the mid 50's. Better dust off the snowshoes...!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. oh i love the ombre pillow! what a great idea!

  2. These are all fabulous . I'm with Cassie, I'm loving the ombre one. The ruffles are adorable too.

  3. These are all fabulous . I'm with Cassie, I'm loving the ombre one. The ruffles are adorable too.

  4. There are so many options for changing up a pillow to add texture or color when needed. Every time I am donating an old sweater or one of my husband's shirts I take a look at it and wonder if I could possible wrap it over a pillow!

  5. Love the ombre pillow...I want some pink ombre pillows so so bad.

  6. Creative bloggers abound!! Thanks for the inspiration, Cathy! They're all fabulous and the perfect diy for a snowy day in WI or CO!

  7. OMG, thank you for the feature! All of these pillows are so gorgeous ... so many great ideas :)

  8. Jenn's pillow is so fabulous - I want one. Maybe she'll make me one :) What a great idea Cathy - I like your spin on FFF. And I really love the doily pillow too. I've got some doilies my Mom had given me and maybe that's just the thing I could do with the one that I really love. Would you do a doily pillow with a doily that had meaning? I'll have to think that one through. And so nice to see Shannon from Madigan Made's project featured too - Shannon and I are friends in real life, did you know that? We're actually supposed to meet tomorrow to do some thrifting. We met through blogging but have had several occasions to meet up in real life. Hope you have a great weekend Cathy! It's been pretty dreary here but I think the weekend is supposed to be nicer.

  9. Holly tipped me off to this feature and I want to thank you for including my pillow in your round up!
    I love the ombre pillow... such a simple idea to update an old cover.

  10. Oooooh, that ombre pillow rocks! Especially those colors.


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