
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

"Tools of the Trade" guest post

The lovely Holly from West Pear Avenue has recently begun a new guest series on her blog titled "Tools of the Trade" where she invites a fellow blogger to share their background, tips, and knowledge on the field they know and love, interior design and decorating. 

Lucky me, she asked if I would join the fun and I was delighted by the opportunity!  Holly is one of those people whose sincerity, kindness and talent literally jump out of the computer screen at you. She is a great communicator and always has a thoughtful comment. Even though I have never met her in person, I feel fortunate to call her my friend. 

So join us, won't you please, over at West Pear Avenue for a little Tools of the Trade Q&A!
Oh and if you are not familiar with West Pear Avenue (a daily must read for me), do stop over for a browse, Holly is pursuing her passion as a designer and writes a delightful blog, all the while holding down her day job as well as being a wife and Mom to a toddler. 
Don't miss a couple of Holly's other regular features on West Pear Avenue including "Pattern Play"
and "TGIFiles" (I am teasing you with the titles, so get on over there and see for yourself what these features are all about!)
Oh....and I think it is officially Spring here! Temperatures have been in the 60's the past few days and my bike has even made a couple of appearances. I think I'd better put the Spring wreath on the door and get after my sun room and gardens.... What are you doing to welcome Spring?

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. Thank you Cathy for being part of the series and for the words that brought a huge smile to my face! Your support is so appreciated. And is that your sunroom? It's adorable - love the green pillows! I would spend many mornings with my coffee and evenings with my cocktail of choice!

  2. Just was over at Holly's reading, Cathy!! So interesting, I'm so glad she had you as part of her series. Your kids are adorable!!!! Loved hearing about how you started your business (so inspiring and encouraging) and your answers to Holly's fun scenarios were super educational! Such a great interview, congrats:)

    Ps. Somehow I just realized that I wasn't following your blog! What?! I just assumed I was, I'm so sorry. I just signed up.

    Pps. Thoughts on the Bachelor finale and After the Final Rose?


It makes my day when you share your thoughts!