
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

On smaller houses & big birthdays....

If you have read Room Rx for a while, you know that my CSIL is pretty special to me, special as in like the sister I never had, someone with whom I share thoughts, dreams and points of view and someone who like me, has an inner creative self that needs fueling. We may live 5 hours apart, but we talk regularly and decorate constantly! 
I shared with you a while back that her family had put their big, beautiful Tudor style home on the market and was looking to downsize. I am excited to tell you that last week they moved and are in the process of settling into their new, smaller home. I am also excited about the myriad of projects that we'll be tackling as we make this little charmer a stunner!

Here are a few photos from the listing....

Work is almost complete on finishing the basement and adding a full bath down there, more to come on that project so stay tuned. We have the wheels in motion on the design plan for the first floor and I have slyly, already shared that with you here.  

The creative engines are churning with ideas for an exterior update including adding a portico, painting, and landscaping. The photo below gives you an idea of the inspiration for those changes.

So, my CSIL and I have a busy Summer ahead, planning and scheming and doing, good thing we have a long family week-end together the end of June. You can count on hearing about and seeing the transformation here on Room Rx!

I suppose you wondering what I meant in my blog title by "big birthdays," well wonder no more, today is my special CSIL's birthday and it's a big one!!!
circa 1967
Happy Birthday Therese! You are absolutely the BEST sister-in-law a girl could ask for!
I hope your day is full of fun and surprises and that you enjoy every minute! Love you lots.


  1. What a fun project, I can picture it oozing with charm! All the better that you get to share in the process with a someone so special! Happy Day to your sil!

  2. What a fun project, and such a cute house -- with so much potential!

    And, happy birthday to Theresa! :)

  3. What a great little house! Can't wait to see what they do with it!

  4. Parabéns para ela também,felicidades.Vejo que terá muito trabalho pela frente,boas novas.

  5. So cute, Cathy!! Both the house and that pic of your CSIL when she was little;) Love all those built-ins and the fireplace. I can see you guys doing wonders with this place. Can't wait to follow along. Wish her happy birthday for us:)

  6. This is really exciting Cathy! And I absolutely adore their new house and all of the potential in store and design ideas the two of you have. If you collaborate anything like that fabulous bathroom you did, this is going to be another stunner. Another thing I've realized that we have in common is a special relationship w/ our SIL. My brother's wife is the sister I never had and we get closer and closer each year. I often find myself helping her with some house updates and design dilemmas, and she's also the best at listening offering advice, etc. So long story short - this is exciting and I'm excited to follow along!

  7. what an adorable home! i love me some cape cods!


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