
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sneak Peek: Hip & Comfy Family Room

We are in the home stretch of this space! Last week-end we had an install for the window treatments and other soft furnishings. The curtains are a beautiful embroidered linen, which we embellished on the leading edge and across the bottom, with a braided tape. The pillows we kept simple, in order to let the fabrics speak for themselves, merely adding a small self corded edge. As usual, my workroom did an outstanding job and the install went off without a hitch.

Want to see where this space began? Go here. The room has really come a long way and has been such a wonderful collaborative effort, I'm not sure who is more pleased with it, my client and her family or me! The finishing touches include chairs for the game table (waiting on delivery), artwork and a bit more accessorizing, so stay tuned, a final reveal will be coming. 

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. It's looking good Cathy. I love the mix of colours you're using!

  2. The curtains are really great. I love that they are custom and still feel very casual and personal to the space.

  3. Love it! The color palette is beautiful! The curtains look great with the detail. Can't wait to see it all!

  4. It's been so exciting watching this space come together! You've done a wonderful job creating a casual yet sophisticated room for their family!

  5. This room is going to be so fabulous. Love the fabrics you've chosen. I can't wait to see the final reveal!

  6. It's really coming together!! How exciting! You and your client must be thrilled. I love all of the patterns that you've mixed together for the pillows. Great work!!

  7. oooh it is coming long just swimmingly! You have a wonderful eye my lady!

  8. Love the mix of patterns in the pillows and the curtains have look very pretty, Cathy! Look forward to seeing a reveal.

  9. Oh yeah! I remember all the planning that you did for this.


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