
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Almost there: A Cheery Sunroom

It's been a while since I have shared the progress on this space. Since then we have added a custom ottoman and pillows, a desk and chair and some other accessories. With the exception of hanging a few items on the walls, the space is complete and being used as it was intended, as a cozy spot to relax and "take a load off." Come have a peak for yourself.....

You may have noticed... I've been a bit sporadic in my posting of late, (something that seems to be afflicting many in the blogging world these days). I'm still here, just too many competing demands, so I am giving myself the freedom to continue this way through-out the Summer.  Hope you don't mind and more importantly, that you don't go away! I've got quite a few projects coming together and I look forward to sharing them with all of you, as well as getting back into a routine come Fall.

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx.


  1. I do rememeber this, I loved the pizzazz that rug added. Great nailhead details on the ottoman and the fun punches of color! Enjoy the summer, it'll be over before we know it! :)

  2. This looks great! I love the idea of numerous chairs and an ottoman instead of any sofas. It gives them flexibility. I also think it was a fabulous choice to go with the yellow desk chair and orange lamp. They must be thrilled!

  3. The room looks great. Love that rug too. Enjoy your summer. We will all still be here!!!

  4. oh its looking so good.. can you come to jersey and do my sunoom? lol

  5. Looks so cozy .... a great space to curl up with a book or friends. I love the ottoman.

    I'll still be here when you have time to post! :) Summer's are the craziest -- I'm sure everyone understands!

  6. I really hope to have a room like this in our next home to enjoy. This came together so nicely Cathy, and the colors are really fun and vibrant. Your posts are always a great read and I always enjoy the information and projects that you share.

  7. This room is turning out beautifully, Cathy! Love those turquoise pillows with the natural material of the chairs!! I would love to have a space like this. Don't worry about posting, I've only gotten one in the last week or two. Summer is for making memories, we have all year to blog about decor:)

  8. This is looking so great and full of sunshine. I love the chairs. Of course you take all the time you need. I feel the same way, with company, vacation, etc. Have a great weekend.

  9. Love how this space is coming together and the pops of turquoise are stunning and so fresh! The ottoman is an amazing piece, too. It has been tough getting to post 3 days a week but we are all doing are best and we are all still here, Cathy :)


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