
Friday, June 8, 2012

Teen bedrooms: a lament

Do you have teens? We have three in this house and I think I didn't get the "owner's manual," especially when it comes to keeping their rooms clean and orderly. One of the things you hear over and over when it comes to kids is to "choose your battles" and honestly, despite my personal tidy-organized genes, this is one I have had to let go of.

So today I am keeping it real people, welcome to my life....and my daughter's room....
Um, yes, I do believe those are dirty clothes. Wonder if she can find her books so that she can study for her finals.....? Oh happy day, I see one!

Wet towel in a heap, growing mildew, check.

Smelly socks and athletic gear, check. (Don't worry though, the potential smell is countered by those yummy lotions and potions from Bath & Body Works!)

Something living under the bed? Check....wonder what it could be? Animal? Mineral? Vegetable?

Bed not made, for months? Check.
But hey, I don't have to live in this room or get into that bed at night.....!

She thinks this is rather funny.....
Maybe once finals are over she can turn over a new leaf... or not.... Sigh....
Hard to believe, but, I have learned to live with this, that's what doors are for!

Have a great week-end. Our plans include tonight's 8th grade "graduation" for our youngest, a trip to Land o' Lakes, WI to pick up our oldest from his semester at Conserve, and I'd say some room cleaning, but Monday is the last day of school here, so the reality is that studying for finals trumps all!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. That started my day with a huge smile! :) I love the shade, too, and I could totally imagine her not having time to be bothered with it! Beyond all of it, the fun decor and great fabrics shine through! She couldn't be more darling!

  2. Oh. My. Gosh! I thought I was the only one with a little piggy living under my roof!!!
    My problem is that my little piggy is only 8 and her room looks quite similar to this one. I wonder what it will be like when we're talking about finals....
    Thanks for the giggles.

  3. I laughed out loud at this! I have two teens and have not given up the battle but mostly their mess is winning. sigh My son is in big trouble so when he finishes mowing the lawn I will issue the "magazine" order. That is when I tell him that his room had better look like something out of a magazine by dinner time, LOL!!

  4. Thanks for the laugh! My son is 6 and his room isn't much better. I guess I have years of this to look forward to!

  5. You are a saint, Cathy. I'm already girding for some epic battles in about 7 years with my daughter.

    My mother was a complete slob and borderline hoarder, so I rebelled by keeping my room neat as a pin at all times.

    I still find Zen-like bliss in rearranging my closet.

  6. I am cracking up over here Cathy - best post of the day! Ok, your love for that beautiful girl certainly shines through since you can overlook this - and close that door right up. I love your comment about the sweat being covered up by the Bath & Body lotions and potions - HA! And should I know who that character is on the poster above her bed? That's what makes me feel old that I never know who is on any of those posters. Have a wonderful weekend - sounds like lots of good stuff happening and picking up your son! yay!

  7. HAHAHAHA! That is exactly what doors are for! :) And, they're so easy to shut! I remember the days when my spaces looked like that. Now, it would make me insane.

  8. This is hilarious! I thought you had photographed Nina's room, it looks just like this!!! Thank goodness for the good smells that DO emanate from within, otherwise I'd have to hold my breath to go inside the room. It's brave of you to share this w/ the world, you ROCK! Katie, I know one day you will be asking the same thing of your son/daughter!
    Diane L

  9. love this and love you for keepin it real! your daughter cracks me up, too with that look on her face! ha ha!
    this room needs an rx!

  10. Thanks for the great laugh! It brought back memories when my 3 sons were growing up. How refreshing to know some things never change! Your daughter looks so sweet and innocent!! haha ;)

  11. so funny, been there! I know your secret ulterior motive is if this goes viral she will be embarrassed and clean it up. good luck with that. It is a darling room other than the clothes, etc. Funny, now my 24 year old son is a neat nick now that he has his own place...go figure.

  12. Hey, that's my daughter's room. I remember when I was a teen, my parents let me "have my space" anyway I wanted it. I don't know how they put up with it. I try not to nag her about it.

  13. What a perfectly teenage room, Cathy! I could be there soon if I let both my girls have their way but it drives me quite insane. We have a lot of exam prep stuff in piles on the floor - "organized" piles but still heaped on the floor :) There is some system to that method of studying because she is doing well in school. You are a great mum. It is a pretty room, by the way:)

  14. Hello,
    Teen bedroom décor is something that teenagers and parents can both have fun with. It can be a great bonding experience that will bring parents and teens closer together as they work to create a great living space.



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