
Monday, September 24, 2012

10 Things: moody kitchen

Lately I have been working on a few kitchen projects, which I love because each of my clients has different ideas about how to create a kitchen that works for them both functionally and aesthetically. While the kitchen I am featuring today may not appeal to most of my clients, it knocked my socks off!

What do I love???

1) Moody color palette
2) Black subway tile, so unique!
3) Stained wood (Maple?) cabinets
4) Inset doors on the cabinets (wish I had the $$ to do that)
5) Furniture style banquette
6) Pops of crisp white in the counters, table, chairs and accessories
7) Fabrics with limited and restrained color and pattern
8) The range hood
9) Tall, gooseneck faucet (I have one in my kitchen and adore it)
10) ???

What do you think? Does this kitchen do it for you? If so, tell me what you love....

This week is homecoming week at my kids' high school so life at my house will be crazy and chock full. There are dress up/spirit days at school, 2 cross country meets,  a cancer benefit walk, a pep rally (my oldest will be dancing with the pompon squad!) and the week culminates with the dance on Saturday night. Oh and did I mention that tonight is "Back to School" night where parents get the opportunity to visit each student's classes? My head is spinning just thinking about it all!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. That gorgeous kitchen got an oooh from me as soon as I saw it, I agree the simple, edited look is so appealing! Homecoming week here too...enjoy the hoopla!!

  2. Love how the fluted planter on top of the table mirrors the table base. Gorgeous kitchen!

  3. That hood is awesome and those cabinets mixed with the backsplash and the rest of the textiles - I love it!! What I really love are those slipcover skirts for the chairs - those are adorable. Good luck with everything this week - do you just split the time for all 3 kids schedules? My head would be spinning too. Sounds like a lot of fun though too.

  4. Wow, what a gorgeous kitchen. That black tile is killing me! So beautiful! :)

  5. Hi Cathy, a lot going on at your house! I kind of miss it, but I kind of like the peaceful quiet, too as empty nesters. This kitchen appeals to me because of all the upholstery and fabrics they are able to incorporate. I love the banquette and color scheme.
    Have a good week!

  6. Wow, I now really wish my new kitchen had this feel. So warm and cozy!

  7. This is one of those kitchens that I'd love to enjoy...but in someone else's house. I'm a white kitchen kind of girl :)

  8. I love this kitchen too. The cabinets are beautiful. I am worn out just reading about your busy week. I hope you are drinking lots of coffee!

  9. I too love the kitchen design very much. It looks simple but gorgeous.Perfect color that suits the kitchen. Hope me too have same on my own.


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