
Monday, October 29, 2012

10 Things: one room living

Are you a fan of Sarah Richardson? I am! Her crisp, clean, clever style never ceases to inspire me. Today I could probably list 20 things about this space that speak to me, 
but I'll stick to 9 and you can add the 10th ....

HGTV Sarah 101

 1) Use of color and furniture to divide the space for different functions
2) Despite the white walls, the overall effect is colorful
3) Brass! Lamps, pendants, accessories
4) Dining room banquette, created in a space that wasn't obvious as normally the table would float in the middle
5) Rich colors inspired by the painting
6) One bold fabric  and a liberal sprinkling of velvet
7) Soft toned, yet graphic rugs
8) Chair and sofa in the same fabric, this usually reminds me of cheap furniture suites, but here it works very subtly
9) Liberal use of a myriad of finishes, chrome, wood, metal & glass

10) ??? 
What do you love about this one room living? 

Sorry for being so absent last week, my kids had a long week-end off from school and we snuck out of town for a couple of days to do some college visits (yes, with a junior and a senior, that is what constitutes a week-end getaway). I even had a Fresh Fabrics Friday post prepared, just didn't get to it, so look for it this week.

Hope you East Coast friends are battened down and stocked up, ready to handle whatever Sandy brings your way. Hopefully Sandy's bark is worse than her bite.... hang in there!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. I always love a touch of masculine in rooms, so the fabric used on the sofa and chair are really nice for me. I don't think I've seen this before but I really like it. The fact that the walls are white but the space is filled with pattern, texture, color is really nice. College visits...I bet you've got a million thoughts running around in your head but it's a fun experience and one that I bet all of your kids can appreciate since they're all in HS and will embark on collegiate world soon.

  2. She's one of my all time favs, alll of those design elements are fabulous. I noticed how functional the room is with all of that seating, even chairs out of the photo. College visits...hope they're close to home. :)

  3. I love the rustic touches too. The finish on the dining table and the woven detail on the coffee table. She is amazing!

  4. I love Sarah R. and her neat and crisp style. This space is so well organized and there is alot of seating...a great space to entertain. Have a great week Cathy!
    xo Nancy

  5. I love Sarah! This space is gorgeous -- but I can't get over the amazingness of those dining area pendants. LOVE!

    School visits! Hope they are going well! Any chance either of your kids are looking at schools in Oregon?? :)

  6. Hi, Cathy!!! Another great 10 things...who doesn't like Sarah?! And her shows are so funny:) I love the really light, soft grey kinda distressed wood? floors here.

  7. Sarah is one of my all times favorites!! I really miss having cable because I miss her shows!

    I love her use of texture, coffee table, fabrics, metals etc.


It makes my day when you share your thoughts!