
Monday, October 1, 2012

Fabric flowers and a whirlwind week-end

 Just some quick shots from our week-end, which was a great success. 
My flower creations turned out well.....


And my kids, dressed to the nines, (not usual in our very casual household) looked smashing!

Fun was had by all at the dance and dance related festivities. Our busy week-end culminated with a wonderful matinee of 44 Plays for 44 Presidents at our local performing arts center and hosting a chili dinner for 6 UW college students. much fun, but I am tuckered out! This lady has a few things to get caught up on (painting a rug for one....)!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. Great photos Cathy! I bet you are whooped. I didn't realize you were making the corsages - you really are a wonder woman. They are really cool - is that something you've made before or a Pinterest find that you just attempted? Either way I'm impressed. You've got one handsome family that's for sure - hopefully you can find a few minutes of R&R today. Looks like you had good weather for the weekend too. Thanks for sharing.

  2. the flowers look awesome! and what a fun weekend- great pictures! they all look so cute! aaaw.

  3. What a beautiful family, your kiddos look so grown-up! :( The corsages are amazing, how fun to get to be creative in a new way! Hope you get some quick R & R, so you can get to the R!

  4. Super cute!! How fun, and the corsages last longer too!!

  5. Such a good looking family! And so are those flowers! Sounds like you had a fantastic weekend.
    Now go get some rest :)

  6. I'm glad you survived your week. I thought of you several times last week when I would think things were getting a little crazy here. It was nothing compared to your week! Those flowers are beautiful and the kids are too! Congrats on making it through the week.


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