
Monday, October 8, 2012

Room Rx: Playful Patio

Just as the warm weather ebbs away and the cooler temps take control, I am hopeful for one last gasp of Summer. Perhaps it was the uncommonly hot temperatures during July and August making us avoid being outside or maybe it's the fact that we are hosting the boys and girls cross country teams for a pot luck on Friday night and warm temps mean that they can be outdoors, but I still have patios and outdoor spaces on my mind. I recently completed one last space for my wonderful client whose sunroom, foyer, family room, dining room and music room have all wrapped up in the last few months.

Today you get to see my original inspiration and design concept....
playful patio
And the space mid process...

As is often the case, things evolve on a project and until recently this is how the patio looked, complete with several bargains and end of season deals.

A little bit of customizing, re-using some existing pieces, some fluffing and tweaking and the space is largely done....but you will have to come back later this week to see it in it's full glory because I need to tweak my "oh so not professional" photos!
Speaking of which, I am hoping to get the whole project photographed by a real professional and will share all of the finished spaces with you sometime soon!

Now I am off to Costco to purchase paper goods for 120....

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. Great board Cathy and I think your photos are really good. Love the hits of blue in the chairs and side table. And good luck w/ the pot luck - sounds like fun.

  2. how fun are those patio chairs in turquoise! love them! we sat outside at a friend's house saturday night even though it was about 50- we just had a fire going and it was cozy and fun! you can still enjoy for a little while!

  3. I love a good outdoor space and I can't wait to see your client's new patio!

  4. I can already picture it with your fab fabric choices for pillows to take it into a stylish outdoor space! When I read boy's AND girl's teams I was thinking, "Wow, that's got to be a lot." But 120, what a blast ~ have fun!


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