
Monday, November 19, 2012

Giving Thanks

 I love the quote above and want each of you to know I am sending my wishes for a lovely time spent with friends and family on Thursday. I am so thankful that you stop by each day and share your thoughts with me. 
You all are the best, 
Happy Thanksgiving!

A blogging break for the rest of the week will be spent preparing for our Thanksgiving celebration. We'll be delighting in the company of 17 family members and a couple of friends, I am so excited! I am off to figure out a "use what you have" centerpiece for my table. 
I may be giving the idea below a try.... with my own little twist of course!

Next week I will be back with another project I have been working on as well as 
my first ever  giveaway on this little blog. 
Be sure to stop by!
Now go and enjoy your Thanksgiving.....

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you,too. I love a giveaway...I'll be back.

  2. Enjoy your week and one of my favorite holidays with your family and friends. Thank you for being such a big supporter and positive voice in blogland :) Can't wait to see what you cook up for your centerpiece. I was trying to find my one runner yesterday for our table and I have no idea where it is. Hopefully it's in one of my Christmas boxes.

  3. happy thanksgiving, friend! i am thankful to have met you! :)

  4. Thanks sweet friend, so thankful for your inspiration, encouragement and free design advice! :) Wishing you the happiest Thanksgiving with your family and friends!

  5. Enjoy your week Cathy! And Happy Thanksgiving! :)

  6. Enjoy the time with loved ones! I have a large number for Thanksgiving as well! I am sure you will pull it off beautifully!


It makes my day when you share your thoughts!