
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Room photos by Reverie Photography: part 2

I couldn't wait and felt bad about stringing you along so here are the rest of the shots from

The Dining Room:

The Sunroom:

And finally the Music Room:

I can't thank Brittany of Reverie Photography enough it feels so good to see the results of this wonderful project, with a most fantastic client, showcased in beautiful photos!
Brittany has a lovely blog, you can like Reverie photography on facebook or follow her on Pinterest
in order to see more of her work.
Because Pam asked, tomorrow I am going to give the before & afters for each room using a combo of Brittany's photos as well as my own. You will see just how far this home has come!!!

Today is a special day at my house and I have one more thought to share....
Happy 18th Birthday to my first born! Even though you are officially an adult now, you'll always be my baby...

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. wow, it looks amazing!!!! the dining room is gorgeous- i pinned it! and your son is so handsome! i hope that doesn't come out in a creepy old lady way.... i don't mean that. :) happy birthday to him!

  2. Absolutely beautiful! All of the rooms are stunning, but I think my favorite may be the music room. The colors throughout are so soothing. Great work, Cathy. Oh, and happy birthday to your handsome son.

  3. Happy Birthday to your good looking son, he could model his way through college! (I'm sure he's going to love reading all this from his mom's friends!)

    I'm sure the homeowners are beside themselves with the gorgeous work you've done for them ~ it's stylish and comfortable!

  4. So, so gorgeous! I can't wait to see the before and afters.

    And, Happy Birthday to your son! Such a great photo of him :)

  5. Bravo bravo bravo - the flow throughout this home is flawless Cathy. I love how you brought the color palette through each room but it isn't matchy matchy at all. It's very pleasing. Now can I move in? :) Wow, quite a milestone for you, your hubby and your son today, huh? Great photos! I love that senior portraits aren't just the sit-down photos anymore. I like that kids are getting photos done to show their personality. Enjoy the day with your family!

  6. I know I should be admiring the fantastic photography...and I am. But I can't help but feel sun room envy. I want one, just like that one. Happy Birthday to your son. 18 is a real milestone.


It makes my day when you share your thoughts!