
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What's new at my house

Since the holiday decorating at my house is still a work in progress,  I thought I'd share a few photos of the new addition to my family room, window treatments! We have lived in this home for over 6 years and this is the only room that has not had any sort of window covering, until now. My CSIL kindly stitched these panels up with fabric that I have had on hand for over 2 years. With the addition of the giant ric rac, I am pretty pleased with the way they turned out and what a difference they make in the room. Even my kids have commented.....!

How do you like my Nate Berkus turtle shell? I snatched that baby up as quickly as I could (I may have even grabbed it when someone else hesitated and put it back on the shelf...).

I have plans for a few other updates in this space after the first of the year. Nothing big, but hopefully with big impact, involving paint and fabric. Of course I'll keep you posted.

Tonight we decorate the tree and with a few tweaks around the rest of the house, I hope to say I am done with my holiday decorating. Then it is on to the next thing, baking cookies for  a cookie exchange! I plan to try a couple of new recipes, anyone have a favorite?

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. oooh yes! a simple touch but it makes a big difference! they look awesome!

  2. Your SIL did a fantastic job. Nice to know I am not the only one creating their own vintage fabric by letting it sit for a long time.

  3. I remember you posting a photo on Instagram but I thought it was in your CSIL's house - it's in your house!! I love them. The ric rac adds such a fun element to them. And so nice of your CSIL to stitch those for you - they'r beautiful. And they have the nicest little puddle to them too. I also really like your pillows with the red trim. It's the perfect family space for you guys to enjoy. Have fun with the tree trimmings tonight! I'd like to try a chocolate espresso cookie this year. We'll see if it happens.

  4. Your room has a certain sense of whimsy with the ric rac and animal print pillows and I love it all!!! Please tell me that you family room is not always picked up and neat like this?

  5. I'm loving your mix in this room, and the ric rac adds just the right playful touch. Now you have me looking at the room pondering what you'll be up to! I always make biscotti ~ Cranberry with White Chocolate, have fun!

  6. It looks great Cathy! I love the Nate tortoise shell- Bethany has it in her house.. Have a wonderful tree trimming and cookie baking!
    xo Nancy

  7. Looks great Cathy! Love the ric rac trim.

  8. I am loving the ric rac trim!!! Great choice!

  9. Okay, were these polka dotted last time you showed them when I commented on how much I love the ric rac? Because I just fell way more in love with them. So gorgeous!


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