
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Mosaic tile magic: a little peek

Way back in September (I'm sure you have forgotten by now) I shared a quick little blurb about this custom mosaic tile floor...

My client was updating her first floor powder room and this was her inspiration photo....

Suffice it to say, this was a total gut job.... a tiny and difficult space to work with because square footage was given up for the adjacent dining room.  The home is an American Four Square with 1920's charm and features, which we wanted to work with not cover up. Gone is the shower, grey tile and black fixtures...

And this is a peek at how it looks now, with the floor and cabinetry installed!

There were many challenges in this space: the narrow width, the location of the toilet (not changing) and an off center, glass block window to name a few. I could not be more pleased with the results shown here. The pattern in the mosaic is perfectly placed and the cabinet is elegant and furniture-like, fitting to the home. 
This was a long distance project with a repeat Chicago client. I developed the floor plan and cabinet layout and helped in person on the tile selection, but most of the rest of the materials were selected by her with my guidance over the phone or Internet. She did a magnificent job, wait until you see the rest of the space....! 

We are in the midst of finals week here in Madison, my kids have been hunkered down, studying like maniacs. I am trying to be the balance between encouraging ("You are working so hard, how about some freshly baked cookies and a back rub?") and pushy ("Do you really think you should go study with your friends? Sounds more like a party than work." "Maybe you should get up at 5 AM and review your chemistry one last time before the  exam!")
I can pretty much tell you which one they will say I was when it's over.

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx.


  1. Hahaha, September, that was 3 Teacher conferences, the "Owl Pellet" project, A "Romeo & Juliet" theme park, and the Flu...ago. That floor is stunning. You should high five with you virtual client. As for the study mom, I do the same thing here. I also hate the "friends" studying together.

  2. Wow, this tile is a show stopper - so gorgeous. Can't wait to see the rest of the room!

  3. How could you forget that floor? It's definitely a piece not worth forgetting and it looks really great in your client's bathroom. Must be nice to see it all installed and looking its best.
    Your finals story cracks me up - I was queen of procrastination when it came to studying so I probably had more snacks and breaks than I probably should have ;)

  4. You and your client collaborated well - the floor looks immaculate, Cathy. We have midterms here and thankfully, the studying-with-friends plan was tried and tested in the past and not repeated this time.

  5. This post is truly great! I like these designs. So perfectly awesome!


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