
Friday, March 8, 2013

Fresh Fabrics Friday: Rockin' the Animal Prints

Using animal prints is a great way to bring pattern and interest into a mix of fabrics for a room. An animal print can be the main player / inspiration fabric or the supporting pattern. I love to use them in my client projects as well as in my own home.

 Many designers use them in very clever and high impact ways....
Such as pillows to complement a hide rug,

and outdoor ottomans and pillows.
Frank Holbrook photographed by Alex Amend Photography via 

So, since I have been getting a great response to my lighting round ups, I thought I would find a dozen animal print fabrics and share them with you today. 
All of these are readily available to anyone, not just designers, and are under $45 per yard with most under $20 per yard. 

Rockin the animal prints

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12

Have you used animal prints in a project?
Which one do you like best?
I love the unexpected look of an animal print in a bright color like pink or turquoise!

In other news around here, my daughter arrived back in Santiago last week-end and is staying with a lovely host family complete with 2 sisters (a nice change from back home with her 2 brothers.) She began school on Wednesday sporting the customary Chilean school uniform,
right down to the knee socks and mary janes...

After telling her host family about my tradition of making a sign for the kids to hold up in the photos 
on the first day of school each year, her host sisters made this for her....

So sweet isn't it?!!! Does my heart good....!

Have a wonderful week-end friends!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design? If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx


  1. Oh my goodness, I am crying over this...for real. How warm your heart must feel to know that she is with a family that would care for her in that way. This is so fantastic for everyone.

  2. I was just wondering the other day how she is doing! That's so great that she has such a sweet host family!

    As for animal prints - I love them, but they scare me for some reason! I think they're great for home and part of me really wants shoes too. I think this spring I just need to bite the bullet and incorporate them in some way :)

  3. how awesome for your daughter! yay!
    and i am a huge fan of zebra in fun colors.... like the pillow you used. my favorite zebra is gray and white and subdued!

  4. I was thinking about your sweet girl too and wondering how it was all going. What a nice welcome for the first day of school - looks like things are going well. That's great and must make you feel so good. And I'm ready for a little animal print in our next house - I'm thinking an accent pillow but who knows. I love those balloon shades in that second photo but not sure they are quite me. I do love a good animal print in a fun color too.

  5. Aww, brings tears to my eyes too, you have to be so so thankful!! As for the prints, oh yes, love them all!!

    Enjoy the weekend, sweet friend!

  6. I have not yet used animal print for clients but some day, perhaps. It is great to have these roundups. Thx, Cathy! By the way, the young ladies in their uniforms reminds me of my Catholic school days as well as boarding school days - it was much easier wearing uniforms than what kids go through today, deciding what to wear every day :)

  7. What an amazing experience for your daughter, Cathy!!


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