
Monday, May 20, 2013

Life lately.....

The weather in Wisconsin this past week-end could not have been more delightful, sunny, warmer (almost too warm for my liking,) and perfect for all things outdoors. Since we will be hosting a graduation party here in July, the focus has been on the many projects involved in getting one's yard ship shape for entertaining. I spent all day Saturday working on edging and weeding the planting beds (nope, did not eradicate the dandelions.) I also started a couple of DIY projects...

Like this wicker chair that my youngest trashed and my husband tried to put on the curb, but I saw the possibilities in....

And these, particle board pieces cut out just before the "thunder squall" commenced yesterday, which are destined to be tabletops.

So as you can imagine, my plate is full around home and then there are the fun client projects I have underway (yes, I am very behind on sharing those with you, patience grasshopper.) I am hoping to keep my DIY-ADD in check and not only get these projects done but all of the other stuff involved in the big event of graduation.

Speaking of which, I am not sure I have shared what my oldest's plans are for the Fall, 
He is going to be a Badger! Yes, The University of Wisconsin - Madison will be his new home for the next 4 years.  Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that he would end up here, but we are all so excited for him. And I told him that even though he will only be 7 miles away he had to pretend he was at least 4 hours away, which means he can't come home until Thanksgiving!

I think that since the day we decided to move to Madison 7 years ago, Ryan was destined to be a Badger and we just didn't know it.... 
I mean look at this, what do you think???

August 2006 - My family, along with my handsome brother, on our way to our first Wisconsin football game!

So I do hope that you'll bear with me as I anticipate that my blogging here on Room Rx will be taking a back seat to all of the other things happening around these parts! 


Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design?  I would love to work with you to help your room "feel better."  
Contact me for more information about my design services.


  1. congrats to your son! and yay lucky you to have him close by! i agree not to come home til thanksgiving, but i think it would be reassuring knowing my kid wasn't all that far from me. :)

  2. Congratulations on your son living 7 miles and 4 hours away. This must make you so proud. I think I would agree with your husband for that chair. I don't see how you will fix it....looking forward to the transformation.

  3. Congrats to the new Badger! I've been furiously working for clients who are having a graduation party Saturday ~ the deadline was great, we accomplished so much. I know all too well how DIY-ADD can interfer! :)

  4. Mazel, mazel on it all! I would love it if my daughter stayed close to home for college.

  5. Yep I think you have a lot going on right about now! Congrats to your son, enjoy this exciting time while he is getting ready to go off to college!

  6. Lots of great stuff going on in your world my friend - very excited for you and your family!

  7. Congrats to your son...and great choice in UW! Once a Badger...always a Badger! ;). Good luck with all your projects!

  8. Your family is so beautiful! It's amazing to me how fast kids grow. Your kids look like babies in that picture and now you've got one going to college. How can that be!! You are a busy bee. I'm looking forward to seeing your DIY projects, your client projects and your graduation party projects. Are you going to have time to sleep?


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