
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

5 essential elements for a teen bedroom

One of my latest projects is helping a client transform her daughter's room into a sophisticated retreat.  Today I thought I'd share some of the advice I have given on this process. 
 I'll start with the design concept I created for her....

fashion forward

Of the utmost importance is to involve the teen at every turn, this is about them after all. The space  should reflect who that person is, what they need and what they love. This young woman was looking for a feminine, sophisticated space that reflected her love of fashion and her need for a soothing retreat.

Purchase or add pieces that have longevity. Well made doesn't necessarily mean new,  Grandma's chair could be reupholstered or new life could be given to the chest that Dad had when he was a kid. A classic, but stylish bed frame/ headboard, you get the idea. A comfortable mattress is key, it's time to invest in one to support that growing, changing body. Every piece could potentially be part of your teen's first apartment so keep that in mind. 

Storage...and more storage. Teenagers have lots of, mementos, sports equipment, etc it needs to have a place to go otherwise it will be all over the floor (which honestly, if my own kids are any indication, that's where it is likely to land anyway!)

A place to lounge. This might be a nook or a desk, a chair, large pillows, etc.  for when friends come over, for reading, studying or sulking. 

Artwork with meaning. In the room above, my client is a girl with an interest in designer fashion so we added the framed fashion illustrations. But maybe your teen is a budding photographer or a huge sports fan, while you want to skip the theme, make sure to inject meaning.

If you are in the process of designing or re-doing a teen's room I hope you'll find my tips to be a good starting point!
Have you recently done a teenager's bedroom? I'd love to hear if you have anything to add.....


Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design?  I would love to work with you to help your room "feel better."  
Contact me for more information about my design services.


  1. Great advice, Cathy! You covered everything perfectly ~ anything else... I'd remind the mom that a young girl will ALWAYS remember her room, and how cool her mom was to let her do what she wanted! :)

    Have fun, it looks amazing!!

  2. These are really smart tips Cathy and I really like the one where you touch on these pieces moving with them to their first place - very important to keep in mind. It would give them a meaningful piece to have when they move out. I also think it's important to bring in the personal touches and interests - those are what make them who they are and what they want to be. Looking forward to seeing this and love the purple accents brought in. PS - also great new profile photo of you!

  3. I love your tips for designing a teen bedroom. I'm working on Elliott's (almost) teen bedroom right now and trying to pull things together that will work for the long haul. I also think that the pieces you use in a kid's or teen's room shouldn't be childish or theme-y. This is one lucky girl!

  4. these are all great tips that i don't want to think about just yet. ;)

  5. Cathy, this is such great advice. I'm in the process of slowly redecorating my daughter's room and even though she is only 10.5, she definitely has the demands of a teenager. I love this design. So classy, yet fun! What a lucky client you have.

  6. A room I would have LOVED as a teenager. I did my fair share of sulking. A nook to do just that in would have been nice :)


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