
Monday, May 6, 2013

Prom Boy

Prom Day 2013: The weather looked dicey up until mid afternoon, but then the sun arrived, the temperatures warmed up and the prom photos happened with plan "A" not plan "B."

Prom Boy looked pretty darned handsome if I do say so myself...   

 his date looked lovely, 

 and the whole group rocked it! A wonderful bunch of very accomplished and nice kids.

 And the wrist corsage.... ? I made it myself! When I found out what fresh flower wrist corsages cost, I thought I can do this. So I searched for a tutorial (there are tons out there) 
and mostly went with this one from A Creative Life
Then I dug around in my craft supplies and purchased two bunches of grocery store flowers and voila...!!!

I was also "commissioned" to do boutonnieres for a few of my daughter's friends... (loved that, she is not even home and they text me with their orders!)
No tutorial, just winging it because these I have done before

 All in all a fun and busy week-end, but that is the norm around these parts! How was your week-end?


Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design?  I would love to work with you to help your room "feel better."  
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  1. Another bittersweet milestone! They look so fabulous and so grownup! (Did you want to hand her a cardigan?) :) Delete this if she or her mom reads your blog!

  2. This is so fun. I like that they never really stop making requests. What a handsome group of young adults.

  3. What a beautiful group and your son is so handsome!!! Those times were so much fun- I miss that with my kids. Beautiful corsage Cathy!
    xo Nancy

  4. Cathy, your son is so handsome and what a beautiful bunch of kids. I cannot believe you made that corsage….that could be a little side business for you during prom season! So pretty.

  5. It's so fun to see these milestones. I can still remember my prom clear as day - what a fun, care-free time. Your son looks so handsome and so grown up. And his date's dress is my favorite - classic black (I wore the same to mine). And way to go with the wrist corsage! That's really impressive Cathy. Our weekend was spent packing, packing, and more packing but Steve and I did get out for dinner Saturday night which was SO nice :)

  6. aaaw, so sweet! his date is precious!!!

  7. I remember my senior prom. I was asked by a boy I hardly knew but admired from afar. Blonde and lanky, he was a bit of a bad ass. I accepted, thinking he did not look so good up close. That's cuz he was not the one I was crushing on. A few days later I saw my REAL crush as he walked down the high school hallway, torn jean jacket slung over his shoulder, cigarettes peeking out of his front shirt pocket. The other blonde guy I went with (named Monty -- no hot guys are named Monty) was a total dweeb and I had a rotten time.

  8. So glad the weather turned nice for them, Cathy!! Your son looks so handsome, I think he looks like you! And his date is so pretty. I love seeing how the girls' dress fashions change every year:)

  9. What a handsome devil your son is. The flowers are gorgeous. Do you ship to Kentucky!

  10. Cathy your son is so handsome and his date and group of friends...well you have much to be proud of! The wrist corsage, how lovely!!

    Art by Karena


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