
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The DIY I didn't do, but someone else did!

Last year I posted about this cool side table I found at a local furniture store and gave my ideas for a DIY, which I hoped someone else was more motivated to do than I was. 

Well, my wish came true, when perusing Pinterest I found this fabulous DIY that 
Check out her amazing results....

Just perfect no?
Then of course I just had to look around The Weathered Door and admire some of the other clever DIY projects that Reeves has done, like these hubcap flowers....

and this darling painted nightstand.

This girl is GOOD! So I looked around some more and you know what I found? Reeves is a college student who has been up cycling furniture and other things since high school and started her blog as a senior in high school for a school project!!!!  Impressive.
Make sure to go over and have a peek at The Weathered Door, Reeves has some major DIY skills and her photography is impressive too. Be sure to show her some love... let her know I sent you.
I'd say she has a bright blogging, DIY future ahead, you?!!!


Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design?  I would love to work with you to help your room "feel better."  
Contact me for more information about my design services.


  1. reeves is super talented and i love that name, too!

  2. What fun, creative ideas, impressive is right!

  3. Such cute ideas! She sounds amazing-will check her out.
    have a great weekend Cathy!
    Xo Nancy


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