
Monday, June 10, 2013

My Patio: DIY update

Considering my silence for the past couple of weeks, one would think that amazing amounts of "stuff" is getting accomplished around here. While that is true to a certain degree, a lot of that "stuff" is hard to photograph and write an interesting blog post about! 

I do have something to show for my time off from blogging.
Remember these guys?

I needed/wanted a bigger cocktail table for my patio seating area. Unfortunately the budget would not allow for the purchase of something that appealed to me so I was stuck with this wimpy lil' thing....

It served the purpose, but didn't really work visually. So with a little particle board, about 700 coats of primer and half that many coats of this paint,

which I used on these chairs,
I got to this...

A few screws to affix this new top to the old table and the result is this....

I love the metallic finish of the top, it looks a bit like zinc, and it does a pretty good job of withstanding the elements. (Except for where the screws went in and not enough paint went down, thankfully that doesn't show in these photos.)

While the table is only slightly larger, it camouflages this sad little hand-me-down

and looks a bit more impressive!

Now my patio seating area looks like this! Still a few tweaks 'til it is exactly how I want it.
You know, a designer's work is just never done!

And this "project?"

 Not quite making the progress that the table has. The idea I had is good in theory and tougher to execute. We'll see if I have the wherewithal (or time) to finish it...
Just tearing out the broken wicker is a time consuming task, and for a girl like me with DIY - ADD, well let's just say, it may sit in my garage for a while as I get through the next month or two with graduation (this Saturday!), my daughter's arrival home from Chile, a grad party and a family vacation....
Like all of you, life is busy!  

What have you been up to lately? Any good DIY projects that you are making progress on???

I will be back later in the week with a very exciting GIVEAWAY!!!! Be sure to stop by.....


Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design?  I would love to work with you to help your room "feel better."  
Contact me for more information about my design services.


  1. That table looks great Cathy - gives it a whole different feel and some more cocktail resting real estate too ;) We've been enjoying sitting on our back deck so my wheels have been turning as to how I want to set it up for us. That patio area of yours looks very nice! And what an exciting time - can't believe it's almost time for your daughter to return home. You must be thrilled and graduation too!

  2. Cathy, this table looks great! I love the color/texture paint you chose - it's a great offset to the wooden table base.

    Your patio in general is looking fabulous! I bet you're enjoying it so much not that the weather is (hopefully) getting nicer.

  3. Looking good Cathy! That table top made a huge difference. Love the chair webbing! Good luck with everyone home and allyou have going on. Savor the moment with your kids!
    xo nancy

  4. love the table! the new top is great and so nice to have more room for drinks, of course. ;)
    and the chair- you are a brave woman to tackle that!

  5. Oooh, I love your new 'zinc' topped table! I've never tried the hammered paint, but that looks straight out of Pottery Barn! Pretty styling, too!

  6. What a fabulous idea to give your table a whole new life. It does look like zinc! Your patio looks so inviting.

  7. What a fabulous idea to give your table a whole new life. It does look like zinc! Your patio looks so inviting.

  8. Cathy, that table is amazing. It looks like real metal. You are brave to put that outside. Isn't living dangerously fun? You could try a small amount of caulk over the screw holes. That might seal it.

  9. Cathy, that is such a great idea to make a table bigger - and I happen to have one of those particle board tables taking up space in my basement! Hmmmmmm……new project for my deck perhaps? Thanks for the wonderful inspiration!


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