
Monday, May 23, 2011

I'm back and a little wedding fun!

What a fabulous week-end!  The wedding was absolutely perfect, from the sunny, not too warm weather, (outdoor weddings always instill a bit of nerves, don't they?) to the stunning bride and handsome groom and the beautiful room, decorations and details.  Who doesn't love a wedding? I thought I would share a bit more about the details....

Let's start with the awesome engagement photos taken by a talented friend of the bride,
Kelly Gorney Photography

Then of course as I helped a little along the way with brainstorming some of the details, here is a design concept board I did, pulling in color and feel of the wedding.

jesse & g.w. #2

Jesse is a girl with a vision and the talent to execute, so check out the beautiful results...

Lots of handmade details like the lace wrapped vases and lace edged cards at each table.

Gorgeous spring blossoms, lilac, apple and dogwood, graced the tables and lent a lovely scent to the room.

The cupcake table, complete with 15 different flavors, all made by friends, lacy cards identifying each and the fun banner. 

Oh and how about the happy couple....? (The bouquet looks pretty fab, no?!)

The fabric flowers were understated for the bridesmaids and worked perfectly for the groomsmen's boutonnieres.

The bride and a couple of her cousins!

All in all it was the perfect day, so here's to Jesse and G.W. and a beautiful happily ever after!

After a wonderful and relaxing week-end, it is back to reality for me...I have lots of fun projects to get going on and share with you, so stay tuned for more on that this week.

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design
If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better!


  1. What a beautiful wedding! She really made your board come to life. I love the lace details. And her dress -- gorgeous!

  2. LOVE THIS! <3 These are the first pictures I'm seeing since returning from our honeymoon late last night...I'm all smiles <3


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