
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Crafty Girl

Yesterday a friend of mine was telling me about her teen-aged daughter's keen interest in sewing, knitting, baking and other "traditional" creative pursuits. This girl has a creative flair, so I know that the things she creates are anything but "traditional" looking.  She had recently "whipped up" a darling skirt for an event she was attending (starting it at 10 PM the night before, with no pattern)!  My friend went on to tell me that her daughter had also purchased something at one of our local 2nd hand stores Savers, just for the fabric, which she thought was cool.  She knew that she could create a new look for that old piece of clothing. 

Lucky for Maddy, I have been hoarding and saving tutorials for this very purpose, with every intention of one day creating something by using them.  So today, in hopes that she will get to it before I do, I am sharing a few of them with not only her, but all of you.  Here are some of my favorites, you will find the link to the tutorial below each photo.

cut out + keep

 blue cricket design

Welcome to the Good Life

Ali Foster Patterns

Can you believe how clever these are?  I am seriously impressed by the creativity I see on a daily basis here in the blog world and delighted that all of these crafty individuals are proud enough of their work to share the results and the how to's with the rest of us.

I can't wait to see what Maddy makes from the "cool" fabric that caught her eye at Savers!  I hope she'll show me and maybe even let me share it here (hint, hint).  Have you ever "re-fashioned" a piece of clothing or fabric into something new?

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design
If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx!

1 comment:

  1. These are amazing! Thanks for sharing the tutorials you've collected. I really need to make that 1st one asap.


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