
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Yummy: Rhubarb Strussel Cupcakes

A friend of mine recently told me about Sweet Paul Magazine, the e-magazine created by stylist Paul Lowe, author of the food and craft blog Sweet paul.  The Summer 2011 issue came out last week and is full of delicious recipes, clever projects and beautiful, well styled photos.  A quick peruse turned up a recipe for Rhubarb Strussel Cupcakes  which was quite timely as I had just picked up our farm share box containing a big bunch of rhubarb. The ingredients were pretty basic and I had them on hand so I whipped up a batch and let me tell you, they were yummy!  Too bad I'm a bad blogger and did not set up a cleverly styled photo shoot of these goodies..... you'll have to rely on Sweet Paul's talent for that, but trust me when I tell you this is a recipe worth trying!

With so many web based magazines and blogs out there these days, it's difficult to decide which ones are worth reading.  I highly recommend that you give both Paul's magazine and his blog a look, they are fresh and delightful and the photos alone are worth checking out.  Maybe you can read them while munching on a Rhubarb Strussel cupcake...

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design
If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx!

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