
Thursday, July 21, 2011

House "Tweaking"

There is nothing like a little bit of company or a party to get things rolling on projects around your home.  This past week-end we had a group of friends up from Chicago for an over night visit and that got me motivated to "tweak" a few things in my house that I had been meaning to get after.  None of these things was a big project that my friends would necessarily notice, but to me they were part of the whole picture of getting my house "company ready." 

My family room had been looking a bit stale and unfinished, so with some accessories I already had, I did a little update.  Have a look at how changing a few items does a lot to transform even the most inconsequential corner....

My Grandma's chest, a Target lamp and a window from our Chicago home were a good start in this spot.  I changed the lampshade, added a shelf, a wreath and a couple of prints. The beakers were a birthday gift and I think they are fun here.

We had such a great visit with our friends....look at these kids...they have all known each other since birth or pre-school and now some of them are beginning the college search!  Oh my, where does the time go?  This photo was taken at the University of Wisconsin Madison's Memorial Union Terrace, a unique, lakefront patio with signature orange, yellow and green metal chairs. (My kids are on the chair, boys in front, daughter barely visible.)

I love the by product of this visit from friends, a finished "corner" of my house....but is anything ever "finished?"

What "tweaks" have you done to your home lately that make it feel better?  Share them right here...!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design
If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx


  1. Those beakers are perfection!! The whole corner looks great with your "tweaks".

  2. I love how you take these ordinary things and bring them together to make them extraordinary!


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