
Monday, August 1, 2011

Clever Product

This is not a new idea, and I can't claim it was ever my own, but I still just love it....wallpapering the inside of bookcase...

The idea is so simple and such a snap to do, with high impact results.  But maybe you are just a teeny bit like me with a touch of "decorating ADD" and you need a little help getting moving on even the most quick and simple that you?!!!  Well, fear not, Garnet Hill has the perfect solution for you, Smart Color Bookcases!
So easy, all you do is select the piece that works best for you in one of the color options offered. Pop off the back, wrap it in wallpaper or a sheet and pop it back on....and voila, you get the look and you haven't even broken a sweat (or out in hives at the thought of completing a DIY project)!  

Now that is my kind of DIY project!!!!  These pieces even come with two sets of hardware so that you can match the finish to your backing, love it!

Hope you all had a great week-end, it was hot here in Madison making the baseball tournament my youngest played in a "sweat-fest" and not just for the players!  I swear, I have never been so hot in my life, dripping, salt on your skin kind of hot, ewwww!  The boys played three games starting at 8 AM and finishing at 5 PM and as much as the fans/parents wanted them to keep winning, when the last game ended after 4 innings due to the opposing team's 10 run lead, no one was too disappointed!  The boys played incredibly well and we were proud of them, especially under the circumstances. My son passed out in the car on the way home while I had the AC cranked for the whole hour long drive. Holding up in the heat is not my strong suit....!

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design
If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Room Rx


  1. It is such a great idea, makes shelving more interesting and a way to add color and pattern Great post!

  2. Very cool idea! It is a wonder why no one thought of it sooner!


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