
Friday, September 2, 2011

Fresh Fabric Friday: Pretty Plaids from Stout

Today, my kids go back to school.  As a kid I loved the process of gearing up for a new school year, buying school supplies and new clothes and the excitement of the first day.  I still enjoy going through this process with my kids. In my excursions to the mall, I took in the fact that "preppy" seems to be "in," though not in the traditional way, which is fun. And what is the "preppy" look with out a little bit of plaid?

3 images via Unabashedly Prep

How timely then, that I should receive fabric books from Stout yesterday containing their latest collection of fabrics, which included some of the most fun plaids I have seen in a long time....

Unfortunately the internet does not do these lovelies justice so you'll have to believe me when I say these are fabulous!  The colors are fresh and the  fabrics are various weights of cotton and linen. Of course my mind was spinning with the many ways to incorporate a bit of plaid into a room....

Sofa upholstery
2 images via Country Living

Just a hint of plaid on the pillow shams and the stools

More bedding, this time the blanket 

Then there are the tartan plaids, which is a whole story unto itself, but I couldn't resist sharing a couple of fun variations like this chair
and this awesome lamp...
 3 images via Elle Decor

And to finish, there is this plaid mecca....from subtle to powerful, this room packs a plaid punch!

Are you a lover of plaid? How have you used it in your home?

I hope everyone enjoys this Labor Day week-end, what-ever your plans may be.  My plans include a century bike ride tomorrow which I have been gearing up for over the past few weeks and am nervous about as I have never done one before.  Riding a century has been on my "Bucket List," so my dear husband decided we should make it happen and has planned out a century to suit my pace and skill level. Wish me luck as I'll no doubt need it to finish this ride! I'll update you next week....

Does your room need a “prescription” for a change of decor, function or design
If so please contact me, I would love to help your room feel better with a Design Concept Board or a complete Room Rx.


  1. I really, really, really love this post. I love plaid and love seeing it in a variety of colors!! Thanks for the great post!!

    'Please visit our new website and check out our blog’

  2. I don't have any plaid in my home currently and perhaps that should change. Those are really cute fabrics.

  3. Plaids are so classic but I do not have any in my home currently. I really like the ones that you showed here and I've noticed a lot more plaid in my travels as well. I like how versatile they can be too.

  4. Cathy that white bedroom with the plaid blanket has been in my files forever!!! I love that look.

  5. Cathy that white bedroom with the plaid blanket has been in my files forever!!! I love that look.


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